I just wanted to scream tonight with the hens being bullies. I have thought long and hard about which possible hens I could use who would be a buffer for the chicks at this age. None, I have none that I would trust not to do exactly what Goose was doing tonight. The only other trustworthy hen who would not be mean to young chicks just learning to roost was Chiquita and she is gone too. Branch really will be my only option tomorrow if I have to use him. I really really do not want to have to move him though. He hates the coop. He shows his displeasure of being locked up in it every time by starting to crow around 3 am. He does not stop either until he is let out in the morning. On the big roost, not a peep out of him until about 5:45 when the alarms start going off through the week. On weekends when no alarms are set he is quite until about 6:30. I guess I just have to hope for the future one of these girls will one day be gentle with young chicks when they are learning the ropes. The rocks are already out of the question. They have shown they love to peck their siblings on the roost too much. That will leave either Owly or the speckled suspects. I guess technically for the time being I could move the trouble making girls out of the coop onto the big roosts but that will also cause drama. Goose, Perdita, Lilly, Ducky and the one leghorn sleep in the coop simply because they do not get along with the other hens at night. If I tried moving them out they will just fight with the rest of the flock and at some point I will have hens refusing to stay on the roost at night to avoid the drama. Perdita and Lilly never tried sleeping on the big roost. Goose, Ducky and the leghorn have and caused trouble. Easiest solution was take the trouble makers and lock them in the coop.
What about a look no touch setup for awhile, would that be possible anywhere, like rigged with chicken wire?
Edit just read @featherhead007 ‘s post. Yes.
I also had the idea of a dog cage “coop” attached to something there, with its own access. Kind of like a separate coop but there in view.
This morning has been so peaceful. Took Sherlock and navy son (arrived Friday evening) over to see grandpa. Good visit. Lots of family has arrived. LATE dinner. Sherlock was nervous about being there at first. Then he played with the German Shepherd (@10 months).View attachment 3614654View attachment 3614655View attachment 3614656View attachment 3614653

The both of them even settled with bones (She's usually territorial about the bones, except when MIL distributed them)View attachment 3614658

Then he played with the heeler (a year, who bonded with MIL). The heeler had a tough time at first. Sherlock decided FIL was pretty special and hung out with him for a bit, then the kids found him. Sherlock wrapped all the kids (and several adults) around the tip of his tail. Had kids hinting about needing another dog at home, adults commenting on how sweet he is, and another offering to "let him go home with them on loan for a month or 2". That offer came from the 20+ hour drive crew.

Sherlock mostly ignored the chickens, got several opportunities to practice sitting off to the side while vehicles drove in or out, and completely missed dinner last night. He also slept the whole way home and went back to sleep here, inspite of me putting out food for him. He brought home "his" bone (deer or antelope", and is asleep again under my chair.

More gathering today, so....I'm going to figure it won't be a 3-4 hour visit and bring his dinner with us.

Everyone is still getting tossed about rough waves in little dinghys, but we got some good laughs and comfort out of the day.
:hugs :hugs
Sounds like the perfect prescription for you all. Good job!
Has anyone ever seen a soft shelled egg with an appendage attached to it like this one??

View attachment 3614678View attachment 3614679

I accidentally pulled it off the egg when I was inspecting it. But this what it was like.
Yes, from Peanut
Yup - it is just a bit of extra membrane. That is not terribly common, but also not uncommon on a 'rubber egg' (what I call a shell-less one with full membrane. Not sure of the technical term.)

Do you know who laid it? It is more common in stressed hens......(like predator lurking, being overly harassed by roo - especially in evening, when egg is 'in process' but not through the shell gland - I think that is a common time for these as that is when I find most of mine - late evening or laid overnight.
One of the silkies laid it. I have been on the lookout today for eggs, they are laying them helter-skelter here past few days.

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