Most have been resistant to fluffy bums pics this week. At best: profile bums.

Pear, has fresh tail feathers growing in, and is roaming far and wide for the best things to expedite the process. (I think she's in the pea tree hedge, southern end, most of the day).

Indigo's tail is looking thin. Only sign she has going that moulting is maybe happening. (She and Lark had a stash of eggs in the carport: 2.5 dozen, so either not affected or just getting started)

Lark (should have posted this yesterday, but life got bonkers) still in fine fettle.

Twirp, tends to moult later than the others, hoping she's actually sneaking that in now.

Jessica (and Mera) has done the quiet/subtle moult. Based upon all the tiny spots of lacing, is almost finished, and is currently the best groomed/most put together bird (aside from this year's 11 babies).

Storm's tail is looking much like Pear's did a week ago, but she's avoided having all the down poke through her feathers. Quartz is flashing her fluff (limp is gone). Granite as his tail just showing behind Storm, none of the fancy feathers yet. Cardhu is flashing those lovely breast feathers (and making me wonder if one of those brown eggs in the nest was Pear's, making her a Pear x Whiskey cross). Cumulo is behind Cardhu (Nimbus is behind the rock, I think).

The light downed trees back there have a dusting of snow. Most of the day rained yesterday, but the continental divide was just high enough to get dusted yesterday.
So, I went through my old posts that were on this thread and I came across this:
Pony, here's Ol' White. Like I promised.
View attachment 3395834
View attachment 3395837
and this:
Bad Kelly…

Rookie mistake - not plugging your truck in when it’s -40… dumb dumb dumb! But to be fair all this mild weather lulled me into a false sense of ‘it’s not winter yet’! Wrong!

So I plugged Ol Blue in… and hoped for the best.
View attachment 3342686

And then the Assistant Construction Manager tried to give a boost - but nope Ol Blue refused to start…
View attachment 3342688

Meanwhile back on the Funny Farm where it’s still Fall, with no snow in sight, I too am watching the roosting drama tonight!

After Blanche and Penelope’s early roosting, everyone else had a free for all! Mr P threw Buttercup and Rose off the top of the nestbox, and now he had a king size bed to himself!
View attachment 3342691

Darn full moons! Bring out the crazies and cold weather!
I just had to ask Pony: How is Ol' Blue doing?
Oh boy! Well now that’s interesting, I have noted that my young pullets want to be up on the summer house door, and the 6’ panels in there, and Petunia is up in the window.

I have to remove the girls on the door and Petunia in the window each evening now. I try to stop them from roosting on the panels but they just keep flying up there.

Once the young Roos are gone, I’ll remove the panels, I need them to finish the outdoor run.

But yep they sure can fly! And seems Ell-too is living up to her legacy of flying high she is the ring leader in roosting up high!
Is one of the boys more laid back than the rest? (Obviously Rico is going). I'm thinking Penne or one of the school roos.
Is one of the boys more laid back than the rest? (Obviously Rico is going). I'm thinking Penne or one of the school roos.
Agree! I have been thinking she needs to keep one to help Mr. P. Maybe let one that you think is a keeper @Ponypoor in with Mr P and the girls, and keep the others locked up in the 'summer house'. r P really could use help with all the girls, and both Mr. P and the girls can handle keeping ONE young roo in line!
Happy FB Friday. I finally have a picture to post for today:

The Apprentices were quite happy to oblige my Fluffy Butt picture request. They all reminded me that they don't really have their full fluff on yet - I need to give them another month or two for that. However, an extra mealworm apiece allayed their concerns:lau

And - these are yet to be old enough to officially be employed (per labour regulations), but they are practicing for when they officially get to become apprentices!
Is one of the boys more laid back than the rest? (Obviously Rico is going). I'm thinking Penne or one of the school roos.
They are all equally evil towards the hens, but those aren’t the ones I am worried about. I worry that a younger Roo might kill poor Mr P - he is not the most aggressive Roo in fact tends to stay away from them all, he hides with the hens! ESP now he is molting.

I am really not wanting to risk his life.

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