A hawk just attacked my guineas. I put all of them up but one. I don’t know where she is. She’s been pretty lethargic lately. She is Eclipse’s mom. Luckily I still have her son Russell. I might not ever free range him to keep her in my heart. RIP Madame. Fly high Maddie. I’ll miss you Mad Bird. (I’m not sure if she’s dead, but I’ve been looking for her and I can’t hear or see her. Those are all of her nicknames. Her real name is Madame Pearl. I’ve not started crying yet. I’m sad but I hardly feel it. It’s weird.)View attachment 3637019View attachment 3637020View attachment 3637021
Aww… Madame Pearl.❤️
Chick update!

So I went back to TSC early today. They had sold all the Lavender Orpingtons. ☹️

So I went home and called all the other TSCs within a 90 minute drive. Found one about an hour away that said they still had them. So hopped in the car and started driving while I called my TSC to see if the still had at least 2-3 Wyandottes and to ask if they would let me get less than the usual minimum of 4, since I would be getting some LOs at the other store. They said that was fine and they would put 4 aside for me to choose from.

Called the store that said they had the LOs to let them know I was on my way and to see if they would also let me get just 2-3 and if they would hold them for me. Got connected to a different person who told me she sold all the LOs yesterday. I was so upset, especially since the first person I talked to said they still had a lot of them. Tried a few other sources but no luck. There is still a chance one of the TSCs will get some when they get their last shipment this week, but no guarantees.

I decided to go ahead and get the Wyandottes. Glad I had convinced them to hold a few as someone was there buying all the others when I arrived. They are supposed to be Blue Laced Gold Wyandottes. But they don’t all look the same. There is a chance some could be Blue Laced Red, but I really hope they are all Blue Laced Gold.


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And a first fluffy butt pic for one of them.
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Adorable chickies!
Mornin! The girls put themselves to bed last night, which was a relief because I wasn't sure I'd be able to catch them with a migraine aura. And this morning they were very happy to see me!
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As usual, Ash was the first one out (she got out before I could get the picture. Kasumi was hot on her tail, Liara, then Shep stayed behind to let the others out first. She's so much bigger than they are! I love her fluffy legs.
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And the other girls crowding the breakfast table.
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Good job, girls!
Caught up again, at least for today.
Those of you that use shavings in your coop, do you use the small or large flake? Thinking about trying shavings for the winter instead of chopped straw.
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The shavings tend to be fairly small. I use both shavings and straw. Reason: shavings don't absorb moisture as readily as the straw does, but they also don't hold insulate as well. I start with a layer of shavings, then a layer of straw on top. Their poop has some moisture which gets the composting process going. As it spreads, I add more shavings (helps with the smell too), then more straw. Keep alternating all winter. Come spring, dig it out and it all breaks down into great garden dirt really quickly.
He didn't think so. Said leg color and body shape look right for a Welbar. And while he does have some other breeds he isn't a major hatchery so he only breeds a few breeds that he personally loves so I figure he would know.
Anyway, with my breed expertise I am very confident that she is a very pretty chicken!!
She has also decided that she doesn't want to roost with anyone else for some reason.
Now I wonder what’s up with that ??

Maybe she wishes to be with the big ladies but they won’t let her … ?
I have names in mind, but I'm waiting to see if the names will still fit and waiting for me to be able to really tell them apart.
When they're little and look so much alike, I try to see differences in their combs as a way to identify them. Sunny and Robin were a visual pair, and so were Pip and Squeak. Robin's comb goes a bit to her Right; Squeak's comb has one point that stands up like the ascender on the letter k.
Those of you that use shavings in your coop, do you use the small or large flake? Thinking about trying shavings for the winter instead of chopped straw.
Large flake. It breaks down enough to smaller pieces in the time it's in the coop.
I had a Bishops Conference meeting tonight, but I can’t attend it. My rooster is not feeling very good this afternoon. I pulled him away from his ladies to rest and eat. He’s inside now with me. Problem is, he’s an older roo, and he’s trying to keep up with those hens that are less than two years old. It wears him down. No sooner did I bring him in, he laid down and closed his eyes. I knew that he was tired 🥱. When he feels like eating something, I made baked ziti with broccoli for dinner for both of us.
I noticed Mr P is more calm and more hanging out with his ladies since I locked the bad boys away.

And all the ladies seem happier.
Now I wonder what’s up with that ??

Maybe she wishes to be with the big ladies but they won’t let her … ?
Could be. Though watching her just before dark on the camera, it seems like it is the rafters she is most interested in.
She looks but doesn’t actually fly up there.

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