I was hoping she would, but she lays dark brown eggs.

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I wanted my girls to lay different coloured eggs so I could tell whose is whose.
White is Deana's, blue is Alice's and brown is Edwina's.

Edwina had fluffy feathers on her legs even as a chick. Do your Brady girls have leg feathering WhoDat?
No, they do not... and that dark egg is gorgeous anyway ❤
Adolescence is such a difficult time!
I had not really thought about this, but at some point the Young Ladies' 'peep peep peep' has to change into a grown up 'Bawk Baaaaawk Baaaaaaaaaaawk' (that being Maggie's general voice when you don't pay her the attention she thinks she deserves).
Today the Young Ladies were watching the Princesses (head tilted to one side like they were listening intently) and the Princesses were watching me (head tilted to one side like they were deciding what kind of idiot I was) and suddenly it happened.
Well kind of.
Dotty was the first to try and she came out with a respectable 'pawwwp, Paaaawp' before shutting up entirely.
Minnie however came out with a noise best described as a cross between a rooster's crow at full throttle and an angry donkey.
It took everyone aback, including Minnie herself who wisely went quickly back to 'peep peep peep'.
I will look to see if any of the coop cams picked it up - but I may have disabled the system so as not to catch endless video of me flat out on the floor with my head in among the footings looking for mouse access points!
Adolescence is such a difficult time!
I had not really thought about this, but at some point the Young Ladies' 'peep peep peep' has to change into a grown up 'Bawk Baaaaawk Baaaaaaaaaaawk' (that being Maggie's general voice when you don't pay her the attention she thinks she deserves).
Today the Young Ladies were watching the Princesses (head tilted to one side like they were listening intently) and the Princesses were watching me (head tilted to one side like they were deciding what kind of idiot I was) and suddenly it happened.
Well kind of.
Dotty was the first to try and she came out with a respectable 'pawwwp, Paaaawp' before shutting up entirely.
Minnie however came out with a noise best described as a cross between a rooster's crow at full throttle and an angry donkey.
It took everyone aback, including Minnie herself who wisely went quickly back to 'peep peep peep'.
I will look to see if any of the coop cams picked it up - but I may have disabled the system so as not to catch endless video of me flat out on the floor with my head in among the footings looking for mouse access points!
It's a bit of a shocker when a hen does a full on crow.
Adolescence is such a difficult time!
I had not really thought about this, but at some point the Young Ladies' 'peep peep peep' has to change into a grown up 'Bawk Baaaaawk Baaaaaaaaaaawk' (that being Maggie's general voice when you don't pay her the attention she thinks she deserves).
Today the Young Ladies were watching the Princesses (head tilted to one side like they were listening intently) and the Princesses were watching me (head tilted to one side like they were deciding what kind of idiot I was) and suddenly it happened.
Well kind of.
Dotty was the first to try and she came out with a respectable 'pawwwp, Paaaawp' before shutting up entirely.
Minnie however came out with a noise best described as a cross between a rooster's crow at full throttle and an angry donkey.
It took everyone aback, including Minnie herself who wisely went quickly back to 'peep peep peep'.
I will look to see if any of the coop cams picked it up - but I may have disabled the system so as not to catch endless video of me flat out on the floor with my head in among the footings looking for mouse access points!

One of my pullets has been trying out her voice for the past 2 weeks (she started at 8 weeks). It sounds like a mix between a rooster's crow and a donkey, just like your pullet. It's absolutely hilarious. She hasn't improved at all in the past 2 weeks, even though she practices several times a day.
I would love to hear your pullet's sound, to hear if it's similar to the one mine is making. I never even knew chickens could make such a sound before.
One of my pullets has been trying out her voice for the past 2 weeks (she started at 8 weeks). It sounds like a mix between a rooster's crow and a donkey, just like your pullet. It's absolutely hilarious. She hasn't improved at all in the past 2 weeks, even though she practices several times a day.
I would love to hear your pullet's sound, to hear if it's similar to the one mine is making. I never even knew chickens could make such a sound before.
Oh I am so glad Minnie is not the only one! If it isn't a one off thing I should be able to catch a recording and hopefully you can pick it out from the general noise that Maggie makes as she goes about her day.

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