They're beautiful....but they change their spots every year....
Thankfully besides combs now, I can base who is who on personalities. I will go outside and sit and ignore them. Spot will hover a good distance away. Dottie, she will come close, circle and talk in her growly voice. Ignore her long enough and she will peck me.
Try again
It's not working for me, but most haven't been working for me recently. That's a glitch of some sort at my end. Probably in my settings, which I haven't had the time, mental fortitude, and drive all at the same time to figure out yet.

It has switched from "private" to the same error playback message I get with all the others recently.
Heart attack snow shoveling SHRA tax. Though I do think that an exemption for PSAs would be appropriate!
Everyone enjoying mash with all the fixings!
I took my camera out with me for a short visit with the chickens. Some of these may be reposted next week but I wanted to share them now.
A grouchy leghorn for @BY Bob , If I want flogged reaching under a hen who is not broody, reach under a Marshmallow. Yes, I did reach under her, it is 34 and feels like 29, those eggs will freeze before I get back out later.
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Owly, i love her, she is just gorgeous. That comb is getting awful red, eggs soon for her I think.
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Spooky is also reddening up in the face. She is your type of girl @RoyalChick . I really wish now Twig had not been a jerk to Branch. Spooky is the only Twig x Goose chick I managed to hatch out and keep making her a 2nd generation Silkie x Marans cross. I really really like how she is turning out.
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Bubba and Blueberry.
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Will you stop that Blueberry
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A Rock for @featherhead007
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And finally, my heart boy. I love this spoiled special little man who can do no wrong.
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Leghorns do get feisty. That owly is a special girl and very beautiful. 🥰 Who cares if she ever lays an egg.
What a rough morning! It was an hour before my chest pain went away after shoveling a path to the coop. View attachment 3725095
This is how deep it is!
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The path is crappy, but it's there. Although it's still snowing so who knows how long it'll last.
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Our third egg!
Liara is also squatting.
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Hubby picked up a treat for them, it smells nice but was bothering my allergies so I think it has cinnamon. Sure hope the girls enjoy it!
Please be very careful! That heavy snow is not good thing, I would hate to hear you hurt yourself 😟😢

Gosh those eggs are lovely I love the speckles very pretty 💕
Spot and Dottie were hiding when I was out earlier so I had to go back outside. There will never be a issue telling these twins apart. Spot has more white and her comb has started to flop over. Dottie is less spotted with a non-floppy comb.
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I may need to see the doctor. I'm Seeing Spots! 👀
Now for some fun. Keeper is a source of entertainment for them. He must be chased and treed.
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And some more Owly, trying to get a good beard shot.
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This one I do believe needs entered in the caption contest.
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So nice to see so many pictures. 😁

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