Well, this is my featured not-a-chicken photo of the day!View attachment 3775042

We have had a spat of crazy warm weather, read: it is gorgeous! 70 degrees, bright sun, fresh spring flowers, and because it’s still supposed to be cold, the trees haven't begun their Spring allergy attack yet!

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The chooks have benefited from me gardening up in the yard all day long because I’m providing even more snacks than usual. My current favorite trend is to broadcast lots of tiny treat morsels all over this portion of their run. A fistful of flax seeds, oats, grass clippings, etc. It takes them longer to gobble up, and each gal gets a fair chance to snag some.

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Great pictures! That's one mischievous looking toddler!
Mugs Monday


He is a cutie pie, he sounds like an owl - what a hoot!

And he is a jerk! He attacks me every-time I go into the Summer House. I’m fact he grabbed hold of my slacks and tried to pull me - like a small naught chihuahua - I just let him do his attacks and then ignored him.

I set up 3 nest boxes in there for the silkie ladies, and Marty went in one and was nesting I. There she better not be going broody!!!

He is a cutie pie, he sounds like an owl - what a hoot!

And he is a jerk! He attacks me every-time I go into the Summer House. I’m fact he grabbed hold of my slacks and tried to pull me - like a small naught chihuahua - I just let him do his attacks and then ignored him.

I set up 3 nest boxes in there for the silkie ladies, and Marty went in one and was nesting I. There she better not be going broody!!!
I am sorry for laughing, Teddy sounds like "Brad". Ok, how old is he? I am also going to defend him here the same way I vehemently defended Branch a few years ago to my mom. You are new to Teddy, he does not trust you yet. Mom and Branch have had a rocky relationship with a long time of mom wanting to serve him up as fried chicken. It was her fault to a point. The first 8 months of his life she pretended he did not exist. He was a ugly little thing and when I would hold him and pet on him she would not touch him when I offered. I then get sick with covid and it takes me out for a few days. Mom and dad took over the chicken chores. She did not know Branch could make it up to the big roost himself using the stall boards like a step ladder. She should have, tried to point out how smart he was, but again, she ignored everything he did. This was also right around the time he was going through his brief hormonal idiot phase and had decided my hand was his girlfriend which I had to break. Mom goes out to put up the chickens, Branch is still down so she decides to help him on the roost. This strange lady grabs ahold of him so what does Branch do? He bites her. He barely left a mark on her hand, no blood but you would have thought he ripped her hand off by the fit she threw at me in a covid coma. He was a evil little snot and he had to go as we were not keeping a mean rooster. Sick or not that roused me and no one touches my baby. Branch never bit her again and for a year me and her went round and round about him. From then on I put my foot down and if I held him, she HAD to pet him. I also taught him to crow at her on command for pure spite, but that is beside the point. Branch soon after started showing just what a treasure of a little guy his was going to be and I pointed it out every chance I got. "look at him with the chicks, they treat him like their momma". Mom, look at him melt in this baby's arms, he's evil isn't he. Eventually she started holding him on her own. She thought I was inside and not watching, but I was snooping looking out windows. Finally she loves him for the little man he is.
My point to all that is, go spend some time with Teddy. At first just go sit and talk to him. Bring some treats to feed to him so he can gift them to the girls. Then start holding him. You can tame this little guy, I have faith in you.

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