I realize that soon, my precious little rooster friend will be leaving this world, and it makes me sad to think about it. But he’s had the best time of his life with both his life family, and then my family and his new harem of which I am so happy that he adopted as his own.
Sir Jaffar has been having trouble keeping his eyes open. And he stands still and doesn’t move around much.
But then, he wakes up and tries to mount his ladies (instant energy I guess)
He still takes the time to groom himself. And he eats and drinks, if I put him right over his feed bowls.
I really love that rooster! View attachment 3791281
He is a wonderful little old man that is for sure. He is lucky to have you as his Hooman.
The chooks are enjoying Reenie’s stall today

And the silkie kiddos are doing their thing in the Summer House.
Some family issues have been going on.

My grandfather (Dads dad) hasn’t been doing so hot for a while now. He lives in Tampa. Dad’s brother has been the one dealing with most of it. Dad and my uncle don’t have a good relationship. They don’t talk and they haven’t seen each other for years. Like, last time they saw each other, I wasn’t even born- although I’m not sure how long ago it was.
Dad was talking about how good of a job Uncle E. has been doing, but Uncle thought the was talking bad about him. So, of course because it’s the logical thing to do, he cut my dad and grandfather off and left all of the stuff to my dad. This happened yesterday, so today dad drove four hours down to Tampa. He will be getting back on Saturday.
Sunday he needs to fly to Vegas for some work stuff. He got elected NATCA area rep so he needs to go to training. He will be gone for a week.
I have no idea what the heck is wrong with my uncle though. Last spring my family was in Tampa and he was too. He drove past my grandfathers house, saw my dad’s car, and drove away, calling my grandpa. My grandpa had his phone on speaker, and my uncle started saying all this stuff about how he has no interest in seeing my dad or any of us. I’ve never met him, so I honestly don’t care, but it still hurt me because my dad had to hear it.

Well, I need to go. I’ll be on later.
Some family issues have been going on.

My grandfather (Dads dad) hasn’t been doing so hot for a while now. He lives in Tampa. Dad’s brother has been the one dealing with most of it. Dad and my uncle don’t have a good relationship. They don’t talk and they haven’t seen each other for years. Like, last time they saw each other, I wasn’t even born- although I’m not sure how long ago it was.
Dad was talking about how good of a job Uncle E. has been doing, but Uncle thought the was talking bad about him. So, of course because it’s the logical thing to do, he cut my dad and grandfather off and left all of the stuff to my dad. This happened yesterday, so today dad drove four hours down to Tampa. He will be getting back on Saturday.
Sunday he needs to fly to Vegas for some work stuff. He got elected NATCA area rep so he needs to go to training. He will be gone for a week.
I have no idea what the heck is wrong with my uncle though. Last spring my family was in Tampa and he was too. He drove past my grandfathers house, saw my dad’s car, and drove away, calling my grandpa. My grandpa had his phone on speaker, and my uncle started saying all this stuff about how he has no interest in seeing my dad or any of us. I’ve never met him, so I honestly don’t care, but it still hurt me because my dad had to hear it.

Well, I need to go. I’ll be on later.
I’ll post tax later.

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