If the black chick with white neck is one of the Marans, looking more and more like a pullet. The one in front, still not giving off enough signals to indicate cockerel. I could still lean pullet with it. I am not trying to get your hopes up. But I am very pro "that is a boy" with all my Marans and Marans crosses since my lot throws the majority of boys. For me to say, hmm, those could be girls, that is saying something.
But then there are the two Black Copper marans. I’m having a whale of a time guessing their gender! I’ve been trying every tried-and-true technique as well as old wive’s tales for guessing.

This particular 6 week old chick, unnamed, has a Pros and Cons list going! Check it out:

Pro cockerel:
View attachment 3808022

-Large! Quite a beefy thing.
-Medium thick legs.
-Hints of copper on the shoulder feathers (could also be “mossiness”?)
-Large comb, wattles.
-Top dog in the brooder.
-Easy to handle, unafraid.

Pro pullet:
View attachment 3808024
-Fast feathering. She’s the bum on the right.
-Comb decidedly doesn’t have much color at six weeks old.
-Sports a pullet stance; she is rarely upright.
View attachment 3808027
:pop :fl
Both are 6 weeks old right?
Ok, now that I know I am looking at the Marans here are my thoughts.
Copper coloring. These are Black Copper Marans, we do not fear copper markings coming in on their head and neck at this age. Pullets with full copper hackles and the boys will start having it appear around now.
The old wives tales of fast feathering and tail growth also do not work with Marans unless they have been specifically bred to show fast feathering. In truth, the majority of them have not so throw that out the window.
We are also going to not be worried right now with the size of both their combs. Neither one are bright red, and frankly 90% of your males will have bright red combs and wattles at 5 to 6 weeks of age, these do not. Remember, Marans hens have nice size combs and wattles as adults so they will be a little bit larger then some of your other breeds.
Marans are also a slightly heavier breed with both hens and roosters having large feet and they show that early. They will be larger and a bit stockier then your other chicks, it is a good thing.
Both chicks appear to have a bit of mossiness in their feathering, It happens during their juvenile molts about 50% of the time and they loose it around 5ish months. Where we do not want to see that bright red copper color coming in is along their back and shoulders. Neither one have it yet from what I can see.
Marans are friendly in general so a friendly chick is normal. Also pullets can be the top dogs. My hen Corona, she was one of a group of 8. She was also the only pullet with 7 brothers. If I went on behavior alone I would have called her a boy. She beat up on all her brothers and was the dominate chick of her clutch.
Right now from those pictures, I am leaning pullets.
But he can hear them and feel their movement. Animals are better at adapting then we humans are. And really, how do we know what he can or cannot see. Shadows? A portion of sight…. He’s a good tough old bird with the best human friend he can have 💕

He’ll adapt with your help ❤️
Greetings yall from the oilfield. Funny how a 4 day job turns into 3 plus weeks. Hope all is well, I'm tired but a break is coming soon. My daughter's friend's coop is pictured below. Funny how she thought frizzle and Easter Eggers were made up chicken names, lol.
Greetings yall from the oilfield. Funny how a 4 day job turns into 3 plus weeks. Hope all is well, I'm tired but a break is coming soon. My daughter's friend's coop is pictured below. Funny how she thought frizzle and Easter Eggers were made up chicken names, lol.View attachment 3808166View attachment 3808167
Oh ! their coop looks so cute! I wish I had that grass😔

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