I want to say I love all the pictures of everybody's barred rocks. While I love my Marans and feel I will always have them my first chicken love was with 2 Dominique's. While not the same these barred rock photo's bring back wonderful although sometimes sad memories of my Fred and Wilma. I got them when I was 3. While my dad's layer/meat flock of "normal" chickens would terrorize me those 2 installed a love of chickens that has lasted until this day 33 years later. Maybe one day I'll be able to add another barred breed to my flock, looked for Dominique's before I found my Maran's but none were available at the time. I just hesitate to do it as those 2 set the bar high in my memories and I fear new ones would never live up.
I’m not allowed to leave. (Too many property taxes to pay!) :barnie
Plus me to kick your butt if you even so much as think about it :D

Hello from the girls


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