I have one evening to finish. It's going to be tight. Nothing in this build has gone to plan. Everything is crooked.......

Meh, having everything square is overrated. Think of it as ‘character’! ;)

Character you say?


I don't know that thread but with this one kindness and respect are the operative words here, something Bob really fosters here. Thank you Bob! There's a fair mix of approaches to chickens and life but the main thing is helping eachother help their chickens live good lives. And pictures and videos of our chickens. I need to post more of those....
Yes. We have not seen the Buckeyes in a long time it seems.......
Every time I hear about easter animals I get very sad. I guess that's why I get annoyed when other people fawn over cute baby animals. You just can't love them until they grow up. You've got to love every stage of the animal's life. If you can't commit to the adult, you're better off leaving them for someone more willing. Honestly, after all my troubles I am more than ready for some full grown chickens.
I bet. You have really been through the ringer. But don't rush their chick and pullet stages away. They are actually very short.
That’s bizarre. He’ll see parrots, but not chickens? My avian vet likes working on chickens because they are “life sized animals” in her words. 😁
That was the same here too. Our cat vet saw parrots but not chickens. Go figure.
Lots of stooping over, I bet! How many times did you bump your head? I bump my head in the run and/or coop AT LEAST once every single day.
That cross beam has caught me so many times. My head hurts so badly today. I should have worn a helmet. ⛑

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