This did not seem to go well

I let Phyllis make contact with the chicks. I will let the video speak for itself.

No one was injured though Legertha got out as I was removing Phyllis
Poor babies. That happened here, too. I still think the exposure is good for all, as long as you’re supervising and step in right away, like you did here.
I wanted to get an idea of what was in everyone's mind so I took advantage of Phyllis being there and opened the door. Now I know and can plan an old style integration for them.

No worries everyone. No one was hurt and knowledge was gained. I have done 5 integrations now. I will do this a little different but it will get done.
Bob, I have 100% confidence in you for integration. No worries here at all. ❤️
My grandma (maternal) was a very gentle lady. My dad's sense of humor (guess where mine came from) is such that she gave him a love punch, so gentle that it was more like a comforting arm pat. It was with a fist and coming from her was SHOCKING. It was accompanied with a, "stop it." no exclamation mark, raised voice. Dad's response: belly laugh.

Ssomething I didn't know about Grandma (and Grandpa) was they had chickens when Mom was a child. (She doesn't know breed. They were chickens). This would have been when they had an avocado grove in southern the 50s? I'm guessing .
Were they in Carlsbad?
Hi folks. Sorry I’ve been absent. Last Thursday the power went out at our office and the middle school, which is a problem when you have COVID airflow requirements to meet. Then we had a board meeting that night. Then… wait for it… I HAD A GIRLS’ WEEKEND! Sorry about the shouting, but I’m excited!! We had a good time. I’m the one in the back with my hand holding a wine glass up in the air. I wasn’t having any fun at all. 😉🤣 LOL. My sister is beside me under my other arm. ❤️
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In other news, Ruby is still with us, but open beak breathing a bit here and there. She’s still doing normal chicken things and even roosting.

Then there is this poor, sweet thing. Dear Minnie is in significant molt and having neurological symptoms. She can’t walk tonight and can barely stand. I’m not sure if she starved herself to the point of malnourishment while I was gone, if she injured herself, or if she has Marek’s and the molt is bringing out symptoms. Sadly, I think Marek’s is most likely. She’s inside for the night. Her crop is full of water, sardines and brown rice. She wouldn’t touch baby bird formula spiked with poultry vitamins, so I may tube that in the morning. I forgot which vitamins support neurological symptoms, so will need to look that up. I’m thinking B complex, selenium and E, but could be way off.
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I did also see Minnie preen while sitting and can stand for a short stint, if I stand her up, before she sits back down. Glad she’s doing normal chicken things besides standing, but she may be off her regular feed. I’ll try all the things I would recommend to anyone else… wait and see plus supportive care for a few days. I might try a chicken sling tomorrow, but she might be self-limiting her activity if she’s sore. Time will tell.
Your girly outing looked like fun. 😍

I hope Minnie recovers. You are a good nurse.:hugs
That’s good news! I’ve been back in the office for well over a year. Lucky for me, I have access to on-site COVID testing (self-administered nasal swab) weekly.
I have been at my regular job this whole time, but the stagehand work was obviously on hold since there weren't concerts/shows happening. Stagehand work is less regular, but pays much better :)
So sorry ACM, Deana was a beautiful hen. And sadly, I was wrong about my Emily. She’s taken a turn for the worse today. She’s laying on my chest, (as I text this). I can’t tell if she’s sleeping by being comfortable with me, or dying in my arms? :confused: She was fine this morning before church, but when I returned home, she was laying around in the yard. I even offered her some meally worms. Her crop is squishy, and She refused. (Her normally red straight comb is pale and flopping over.) I will just lay with her here for a while, and think what to do next.:fl:(
I'm so sorry Aex. Just stick with her she may pull through 🤞. Perhaps she has some kind of inflammation
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