We have had a little snow fall this morning but the girls have managed too have a little out time. They had some liver and heart after their feed this morning and just gave them a little cracked corn to warm them this evening before they go to bed

Flexi cleaning Agathas beak. Greedy flexi

Chicken tax
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I'm sorry to do this but I found this one when looking for a tax payment and started crying. I feel that I need to print this one and hang it. It says it all.

Best friends forever. 😥

Lilly will never look right without Sansa by her side.

Farwell Sansa. You will never be forgotten.
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Those are great pictures to frame! Like in a two-picture arrangement?
Even though I don't care for the song, I'm about ready to put a speaker outside where Poppy is and put Fleetwood Macs song "Little Lies" on repeat. For a week now she has tortured me. She has a spot on the outside or Russ's stall all to herself that she has chosen to build a nest. Every day starting around noon she goes there and will spend up to 4 hours sitting in it, rearranging every piece of hay, stand up, sit down, take a nap etc.. For the past 2 days when she has finally left she's left squawking like she laid a egg and throwing bits of hay on her back and there is NOTHING. She is 7 months old tomorrow so she is in the age range to lay that first egg now. How long is this little poof going to torture me.

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