Baby Pictures

Hattie was born July 16, 2018. I was going through old pictures this morning and I found some of her chick pictures. I'm going to share some today but I think moving forward I'm going to start celebrating everyone's birthday's with baby photos. Therefore I'm going to save some for her actual birthday. I'll have to celebrate Lilly on the anniversary of when she came to live with us.

Here's Hattie

They day she arrived, 7/17/18
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First Flight, 8/1/20
View attachment 2115310

A little over 2 week's old. 8/4/20
View attachment 2115304

Feathered hanging out with Jabberwocky, 8/16/18

Moved out of the house to live outside. 8/31/18

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And our gorgeous girl today.

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Baby Hattie :love:love:love

But I think the dates are not quite right :hmm
Well worth a look is this thread. It makes a great change from Bufffeckinorpinigtons.:rolleyes:
I couldn't help noticing that one of the hens in post 53 in the above thread looks a bit like Donk!
Kiaa knows his stuff about ancient breeds from his region.

Well, they run away from my hugs but they had a lovely treat of natural yoghurt today, does that count? 😆

I got a couple of cuddles in, under protest. I know some of us like their ladies’ consent before touching, but I would like my girls to at least tolerate being handled, if I need to take them to the vet (and as lovely as Dr Nikki is, I don’t want to see her again for years!) ;)
Well worth a look is this thread. It makes a great change from Bufffeckinorpinigtons.:rolleyes:
I couldn't help noticing that one of the hens in post 53 in the above thread looks a bit like Donk!
Kiaa knows his stuff about ancient breeds from his region.
View attachment 2116986
View attachment 2116987
Very similar in carriage and shape. And of course my favorite part, the toupee. :love

Thanks for turning us onto the new thread. Great photos.
Mad as a Wet Hen

If wet hens are truly angry. This lot would have ripped me from limb to limb yesterday. They were soaked.




Of all the hens, Sansa seems to be the most waterproof.


Phyllis had a bald spot when really soaked. :lau This is the first I have seen it.

As to the phrase, "mad as a wet hen". Mine actually seemed fine with the readin yesterday so that got me interested in where that apparently false saying came from. I will admit that most sayings about chickens seem to actually be true. So that made me more curious about the origin of this particular phrase. Here is what I found out when researching it.

From Urban Dictionary:
In the old south, after a hen laid her eggs she would want to sit on them until they hatch. Even if you gathered up all her eggs, she would still sit on the empty nest. So in order to “break her” and get her to lay more eggs, the farmer would lift her off the nest and dunk her in water. She’d then go right back to her nest, so this had to be done two or three times, after which she’d be mad as all get out and start “fussing and scrambling about” Apparently this “broke her” and she’d start laying eggs again.

I love the way they are trying to describe chicken behavior to people with no experience raising chickens. :D

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