Cynthia, I want to share this. Where did you get it? I canā€™t seem to save it here.
Ok, I can't post it. Go to fb..if you have will be the exact video on...Kinder World....if you don't mind it being without the first part where the little guy meets the school bus, and no wording, you can find it under Kinder World on youtube.
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Yes, that's all correct! We also have 5 acres, the free range area & coop are on the back corner of our property! We planted the treeline in 1992 and a few of the others came later. We have fence surrounding about 2 acres around where our house sits. So, we tied into the original fence with the new 6' fence and also added more fencing to raise the height of our original fence line!

I was going to try and get a picture of it today, but I just didn't have time! This was from last year when we finished renovating the coop and had the free range pen finished! We actually built this coop and the enclosed pen over 20 years ago! I will try to get a better picture of the layout tomorrow. But it doesn't look as tidy as the below picture right now!
View attachment 2611828
Here's a bit of a view from the yard, looking at the garden!
View attachment 2611846
This is a picture taken from the gate this past winter!
View attachment 2611852
Wow! Just gorgeous.
It was a Dark and Stormy Night........

As @CrazyChookChookLady and Josh pointed out last night, it was dark and stormy. So I fired up the camera and recorded the inside of the coop on a stormy night.

Let's talk about starting positions. When I did roost check, this is where everybody was.
Big Coop Cam_20210411_213117.jpg

Sansa was already on the ground. I did not think a lot of this because every once in a while she sleeps on the ground or in a nest box. I became more interested in this later.

As the storms approached, I decided to go make a check on the coop. I wanted to be certain everything was locked down. As I made my way back to the house with lightning flashing in the sky, I heard a thump from the coop. Hattie had gotten off of the roost.

In this first video you will see Hattie laying on the coop floor looking out the window. This is a great 3 minutes of rain and thunder. It's actually kind of peaceful in a way.

This was only a prelude to the storms which will continue for several hours.

This next clip shows the reaction when the storm steps up the intensity a lot. It happens about 35 seconds in. Watch for everyone's reaction.

Hattie did not sleep while the storms will still going. I kept the camera on the whole time just to see. It seem that like many of humans, Hattie does not enjoy thunderstorms. I myself love them. šŸ˜

Just look at what the storms did to my magnolia blossoms. šŸ˜„

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