Don't go all tough-guy on this. Your hand is still attached but 2nd and 3rd degree burns are very serious and need professionals. I can't figure out how many hours ago this was but ice above the burn (not on the burn) will help the heat travel up the nerves and do more damage. Wrap your forearm in ice if you can and get to an emergency room one way or another.
I’m on ice right at this moment
How on earth did you get Mal out from between the run and the fence??
I had to disassemble a wire seam so I could reach in and get her out. It was a real problem. I never dreamed someone could get in there. Fear makes crazy things happen.
Chicken tax
Sleepy, Preeny and Stickybeak


Sorry, getting late so brainy isn’t so thinky 😉

Staying up to be sure @featherhead007 is ok.
And it’s extremely painful to even text this on my iPhone. I have to use my (much slower) left hand. :(

A fire started at my stove behind a pan I was cooking bacon in. Some grease was present that I didn’t see. I grabbed the pan to remove it from the flame, but my hand was BBQ’d in the process. I’m okay, I’m tough, but this hurts like .... and I can only use my left hand for now. (And the pain, I can’t sleep) texting with my left hand isn’t fun
I'm so sorry my friend, that sounds pretty painful. Please be careful and let it heal. :hugs :hugs
I’m going back to hospital today. I can usually handle pain, but nothing like this. My hand is swelling like a water balloon. It’s pretty ugly. (Sorry for the oxymoron) :hitpretty ugly
Get taken care of. Burns are nothing too mess with.

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