Guys, I apologize! I spent several hours this morning reading through the last 60 or so pages and the site only accepted leas than half of my likes and responses. :he
I'm caught up on Michelle's hubby's poor finger and not following doctor orders as well as we all hope he would.
And Alex's add'l property and worried related to it and the 6 chickens.
And Blazinga's little chick that I hope continues to do better (you have had such a rough time).
And Marie with her big animal lover heart (did you determine what the bird is?)
And that pic of Rebecca's littles šŸ„°
I did post a specific response to Bob...I sure hope it shows up.
In news here...
Naenae did another soft egg last night. Thus was after I found a fully shelled ine of hers in the middle of the yard yesterday! What is up with that?? The day before she had another double yolker.
She is back to her normal self this morning.
I had really hoped all the supplements we've added would help. Unfortunately it wasn't the best run scientific approach as hubby cannot stop himself from giving them some treats. He limited it, but still sneaks things to them. I really wanted to run a full month of layer feed and chicken specific supplements only.

The other news is we broke ground on the new coop. I will take pics along the way and share when complete. The high level is that it is much more appropriate sized for 7 growing birds and will allow us humans to be inside with them during cruddy weather for cuddles.
In news here...
Naenae did another soft egg last night. Thus was after I found a fully shelled ine of hers in the middle of the yard yesterday! What is up with that?? The day before she had another double yolker.
She is back to her normal self this morning.
I had really hoped all the supplements we've added would help. Unfortunately it wasn't the best run scientific approach as hubby cannot stop himself from giving them some treats. He limited it, but still sneaks things to them. I really wanted to run a full month of layer feed and chicken specific supplements only.

The other news is we broke ground on the new coop. I will take pics along the way and share when complete. The high level is that it is much more appropriate sized for 7 growing birds and will allow us humans to be inside with them during cruddy weather for cuddles.
huh, soft egg then shelled ine, then a double yolker,(that is pretty cool, a double yolker I mean) And tell your husband if he gives her anything, give her zucchini! I once chucked A whole one in the run and they were vicious, it didn't last 10 minutes!

Oh good I'm glad you will get to interact with your birds. WE didn't have a walk-in run until' waaay too far into the game, but glad to have it now.
I'll be getting pictures of them later this morning, but I just want to share a observation about Henrietta's 6 chicks at a few days old. They are the quietest most content happy little chicks I've brooder raised so far. They never take moments where they cheep loudly complaining about something unlike the many I raised back in the early spring. They have also gave me a few moments of panic when I walk by and peek into their brooder. When they sleep, they crash and I've caught them sleeping in the weirdest positions. One of the blues likes to lay completely flat with its legs stretched straight out behind it. The first time or two I spotted this I thought it was dead and tapped the brooder only to have it pop right up and give me a dirty look for disturbing it. I also got very lucky when I moved the eggs into the incubator. The 7th egg, when we went to check it 24 hours after the 6th chick hatched, was bad. Thankfully when we went to put a safety hole in it had in it a plastic bag. Because it exploded at the first tap. I don't know how it avoided doing that before I moved the chicks out of the incubator as they were rolling that egg around and pecking on it. If it had I probably would have been tempted to toss the incubator as I do not know if I could have gotten that smell out.

Silver hen feathers are being shoved by white flecked black feathers. It's the white on the shoulder that's making me nervous. However, Juvenile feathers have been known to completely be replaced.

Comb is a lot more lumpy than siblings, but it could just be the result of a single pea comb hybrid.
Hi everyone! I hope you are all doing well! I'm sorry I haven't been around, I've missed you all. We are finally finished with our kitchen remodel and I can get back to some BYC time! I don't know how I will ever catch up. I will just have to pick a spot and start from there! :)

P.S. I'm posting this on all of the threads I follow, so some of you might see it more than once! :gig

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