Okay, here's one I found first - March 2018 at a ski area in the Catskills. It was sunny and cold, about 30-32F, I'm with one of the bands I play in. We were in the sun against a brick wall for a wind block, so it was above freezing for us. The drummer took the picture - he had recently given me his daughter's cast-off boots, thus the pose for him to show her. They were nice and warm! View attachment 2820177
I've been Keeping Something from You All

Please forgive us but @RoyalChick and I have plotting behind everyone's back. The breeder where she got the roadrunners has Polish as well. She has obtained 2 Candy Corn Polish for me. Here is what they look like fully grown.


@RoyalChick has picked them up and she is driving to meet me half way so we can exchange these little darlings.


I will explain more and update everyone on our adventure once I get them home.
I'm so excited. :wee :wee
Art major with an English Minor. I'm trying to get into the animation field.
Just had to come back to this one.
I do hope you are aware of just how much trouble you can get in to in England doing anything with a Minor.
You're caught out whichever way you choose to interpet the word minor.
In the first case it's an underage human; in the second he's likely to be rather tired and dirty wielding a pickaxe.

I'll get my coat.:oops:
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Thought I’d add a mug today of Bock. She did something very peculiar today! First, she caught a grasshopper, ate half and brought the rest over to Cluck, the barred rock, and put it down in front of her. Cluck’s no dummy of course, and she ate it. Then later on, Bock picks some seeds off of the long grasses they play in and feeds it to Beaker! What the heck!?

Bock also likes to sit on everyone’s eggs (she’s not laying herself). She often ends up breaking the brown one😐. Guess she wants to look after everyone?

Here she is (again, I’ve posted her pic before)🙂
Is she your most senior hen?
Hi everyone, I'm pleased to announce I've finished my song! I'm sure if I gave it to a producer it would sound better, but I'm keen to get it out there. I'm actually going to have some online tuition with a producer, so I'm really looking forward to that!

In the meantime, here is a link to my song. And some chicken tax.

View attachment 2817347
Got any more to share?

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