Recent pics of one of my Roos and his ladies, for Taxes for all my recent ant and wine talk:
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P.S. Yes, my Roos have had a few 'discussions' with each other these past few months...esp. the younger ones @ 1 yr. old....feeling their oats the young'uns are! They are starting to settle down more now...hopefully next year there will be less 'discussion' and more 'protecting the girls from predators' action! 🙄 The first pic of the Roo shows some comb & wattle 'discussion' results.
Beauties all 💖💖
I suspect that you have carpenter ants. There may be other kinds that get wings, but I know for a fact that carpenter ants get wings in the late spring (around here) and fly away to mate and to start a new colony:

Nuptial flight[edit]

When conditions are warm and humid, winged males and females participate in a nuptial flight. They emerge from their satellite nests and females mate with a number of males while in flight. The males die after mating. These newly fertilized queens discard their wings and search for new areas to establish primary nests. The queens build new nests and deposit around 20 eggs, nurturing them as they grow until worker ants emerge. The worker ants eventually assist her in caring for the brood as she lays more eggs. After a few years, reproductive winged ants are born, allowing for the making of new colonies. Again, satellite nests will be established and the process will repeat itself.[14]
Thanks that was interesting, my chickens haven't been exposed to ants yet... Last year it was tent caterpillars which freaked them out and they wouldn't eat.

Japanese Beetles though were a huge hit!!!
I'd for :love gotten just how handsome he was!!

There is just something about a strutting, cocky, but watchful stance of a rooster! 🤗
He was handsome.


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