Thank you for your input :)

I'm so very pleased and greatly relieved to say, this problem has been solved. But I will be looking to purchase a cone eventually as he will need one at some point, same said for my dog because he's needed one on several occasions.

My biggest problem is trying way too hard to avoid chemicals of any kind and I'm constantly being reminded that it's not always going to bennifit my animals...

In this case washing up liquid worked amazingly well, I mixed it with organic liquid soap, fresh lemon juice and bicarbonate. Rash or whatever this was has completely disappeared.

He'll be having another bath soon even if he tells me off then sits on my lap soaking wet .
Like I said, “Wet Kitty”!
I feed dry food all the time, mash in the morning, scratch all the time, some black fly larvae as snacks and corn at 5 for dinner and any table scraps in between. I dont go off a feeding "rule" I find it ridiculous considering chickens have been around hundreds of years without it and were fine. In return I have beautiful healthy chickens that only molted in a months time.
According to both Rosie and her Papaw they only slow gaited for 4 minutes up the road before they hit the hill. After Rosie went inside and I started to jump him he told me he encouraged it to get her out of her head. He saw she was nervous and thought it would help her confidence. I have to admit he was right, she came back all smiles and did not want to get off of Russ. I guess I have to defer to her papaw on that situation. I have never had a bad accident on a horse where I broke something, he has. Looking back on it, he did the right thing. Before he and Dirt rode up I could hear the fear in her voice, see her shaking and several times telling me to not take off the lead rope. She was very very close to being done after only a few minutes, instead she ended up riding until dark.
Before I hit "chick watch" tomorrow and fall in love with all the little fuzzballs and praying for pullets I will update on the current 4 fuzzballs. Chiquita's 2. Goose is for sure a pullet, the silkie Hoppy, is starting to give off boy vibes dang it. Momma hen's 2 Kit and Kat. Kit is a cockerel and Kat is also now showing signs of being a cockerel as well that are hard to ignore. So if I'm right, and sadly I think I am, that is 3 out of 4 cockerels. Excuse me while I go and hide somewhere and cry in frustration.
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I have been wanting to do this for some time now. I knew once I started doing this there would be no going back. So I am now diving in and I hope you all enjoy coming along for the ride.

First of all let me tell you how we view our flock as that will help you to understand why we treat them like we do.

Our birds are our pets and we treat them as such. We do not care if someone is not laying eggs. They are welcome to stay at Fluffy Butt Acres until they pass naturally. (Now don't go telling them that! I would hate for word to get out) We do thoroughly enjoy the fresh eggs.

I plan to tell stories from the past as well as from today. I hope you all enjoy and will share stories of your flocks as well.
I love the name of the ranch it’s cool
Our other two residents came to us in April as chicks. My wife raised them until they moved outside and then they became my responsibility.

Hattie is our lavender orpington hen. She has not starting laying yet but i expect she will once the days turn longer.
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Jabberwockie, Jabber for short, was supposed to be an Easter Egger hen, however, he is clearly not a hen.
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He and Hattie are inseperable.
Pretty birds
And then you have some people here, who literally are feeding only scratch and a handful of pellets. The exact opposite of your example 🤦‍♀️ and there are three separate people doing this…
I honestly feed a 2 to 1 of pellets to scratch grains while Lety prefers to feed mostly scratch grains and wet puppy chow then in the evening. Now because of heavy molting I am feeding almost straight feather fixer pellets. I'll top up the feeders every few days with the pellets and Lety will do her thing. Other than the molting they are healthy so who can I say is right or wrong. Really don't matter as long as the chickens are healthy.

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