I hope this works

One of my conditions is osteoporosis and my friend has medication for this, I was so pleased for him as it builds up the bone. Sadly I can't have this because I also have rheumatoid arthritis so barley any cartridge and this osteoporosis med causes joint pain. Every medication I had helped one thing then attacked another disability. It's a wonder my body hasn't fallen apart completely

I don't usually mention such things but just this once I thought I'll have a moan.
:hugs :hugs
I only managed to get one butt picture today! It was pouring (good news for us 😁) and I'm still a bit under the weather.

Léa and Merle acting like the rain doesn't exist. I'm so happy to say that Merle was much better today !
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I made good use of the exceptional rainy day- we've bought a new laptop! Ours was twelve years old and though it was still running, a lot of patience was required. So I did all the setup and file transfers on the new one. It took me forever to overrun all the windows security and firewalls that were stopping me from downloading all the apps I wanted.

I also took a picture when I got the chickens to roost tonight. It's hard to see but Théo is on a mobile roost device, in between two long fix roosts. His roost used to be in the other side of the ladder, right under Gaston. Under Gaston's team I added a second perch that helps them reach their roost without using the ladder if needed and that should allow Léa to move away from Piou-piou the bully, but I need to bring it higher as the space is too wide in between.
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This looks like a pretty good at up. Nice job helping them out.
I have one. Mine will use it but massively prefer the hanging open ones.
Ya know I recently replaced my smaller feeders with a large one i nabbed at an auction. Its a rent a coop and they have to stick their heads inside.
Its this one:

And my husband said I was worrying to much and I probably am but, I would swear Oreo hates this feeder. I think his comb hits it. I have seen him eat out of it but then I give treats and he is acting like he is starving. I sprinkle food every morning for him just to be extra sure.

I love it as I can dump a whole bag right in it. So ill keep it. However now that I have confirmation that I am not the only one noticing a roosters dislike of this style of feeder I will put some feed in a different type of feeder in the run. Mutters something about spoiled roosters.
I am still only operating at half capacity so it took me a while to figure out it was Friday.
I am trying to get a fluffy butt picture but it is an uphill battle.
First Bernie poses specifically so I cannot get her butt in the picture.
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Then she shoots by me so all I get are her freaky long filoplume feathers.
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And then she gets distracted by something overhead and stays stock still warning Diana about some threat (I can’t see anything up there).
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I will keep trying!
No lists here. Those are great pictures. 🥰

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