What the Sam Hill!
Last night Aurora did not want to even let Hattie in the main coop.

Tonight this is roosting! 🤦‍♂️

The Main Coop Cam_20230126_173034.jpg
Another great one from the Great One! Loved it. ❤️ This was quite extensive and far-ranging, presented with video examples, oh my! Thank you for posting her letters!

Look at Sansa, mugging for you at 13 seconds, "Oh, you're watching now, huh? Watch this!" and then BLAM...blam-blam! :eek: That was indeed impressive....ly cruel. Poor Phyllis! I hope she hatches out a dozen "little weirdos" for Aurora to admire!

Aurora destroyed Phyllis's nest?
I loved those 'effects' - you will need to add some to all your chats from now on :) that was awesome haha!

BLAM - blam-blam :lau
I too hope Phyllis hatches some chicks. We have saw in the past that indeed while she has no desire to hatch her own she is clearly fond and fascinated with chicks. I doubt it will happen, but wouldn't it be something this year that Aurora was the broody one and not Phyllis. Can you imagine her face if she sat on eggs and hatched out the weirdo's herself.
This is a very compelling mental image. It keeps flashing into my head and making me giggle.
I too hope Phyllis hatches some chicks. We have saw in the past that indeed while she has no desire to hatch her own she is clearly fond and fascinated with chicks. I doubt it will happen, but wouldn't it be something this year that Aurora was the broody one and not Phyllis. Can you imagine her face if she sat on eggs and hatched out the weirdo's herself.
I promise if Aurora goes broody I will get her Polish eggs!

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