How do you get anything done? I could watch them all day. 🥰🥰🥰
Truth be told, it has been freezing cold the last 2 days and I have not had a hot flash run me outside. Not being able to spend so much time with them and brooding them in my room is something I definitely miss. I then give myself a mental shake and tell myself to get over it. They are 100x luckier they have a momma hen instead of myself in the long run.
😢 😢 😢

I am so happy my kiddos can dig, and run, and jump.... kill snakes... eat bugs.
This. This a thousand times over is how I feel. Yes, it has lead to heartbreak at times. After the pain is not as raw from loosing one I look back and smile though knowing that they were one of the lucky ones. I'm sure if they could have chosen they would not have traded the life they lived with one in a metal cage.
After all the talks, squawks, lectures and conjectures, they choose not to cooperate with me anymore today.
(Well fed they be!)
But now they hide from me,
and I’m so saddened I can’t even imagine what they are planning to do with me. ! :idunno :old
He's a poet....
... and he knows it.
Awwww! Peekaboo to you too 💖

Is that Perdita ? Love those fuzzy leg warmers 🤗
Yup that is Perdita. She gets prettier every day. It is hard to believe I was probably minutes away from loosing her as a day old chick. Let's hope that she learned her lesson and has no future plans to try something stupid again. You know as a young chick Branch also tried to kill himself by almost drowning and he is now my favorite. I wonder what the future has in store for her.

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