Im not offended and sometimes I think I offend people or I worry they just dont like me because my posts go unnoticed. But I think thats just me. Plus if you offend me I would tell ya. Ive been sick all morning with IBS and I dont know if Im gonna make it to my drs. appt. Might have to reschedule.
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The worst.
Kelly, you think I can whip out waddle pics anytime I want. It’s not that easy. I have to ask the chooks if I could take their picture, then treat them with the best I have. Then just maybe I could snap a pic.
Yes because you are the Hu-Man... hop to it (flap to it???).
Pretty nice day today, mid 80s and sunny. Treated my lovely wife to lunch before visiting my VIP poster in the Brenham Tractor Supply. Stocked up on feed for the fur and feather babies. Then spent the afternoon watching our chicks play in the sun. Even managed to split some of the oak wood so we can have a fire tonight. 🔥
the youngsters borrowing my chair while I am chopping wood.
Itty-bitty because she's my favorite 😍
Aw busy and forgot to hit "post". Here's what I meant to post 3 hours ago:
Thank you so much! I honestly think I have gone crazy for giving "strangers" my age, but I don't regret it one bit! I feel like I know each and everyone of you in "real life." I am very glad that you thought I was older. That makes me very pleased!
Pretty sure BYC is a fairly safe place for young women. Of course, there are people trying to tempt you...with chickens. I'm with the others, I also thought you were older. Nice to find something you love so young.
Pick an age and stick with it for a long time.
Long story I will spare you all, but a friend’s grandma had been lying about her age for so long that when the family got together to celebrate her 90th it turned out they had missed it by several years!
I do that with my weight. :lol:

And my little flock at snack time.

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