Got some good mugshots today!

Today is fair temperature wise, but very nice and sunny. The girls had a good time dust bathing under the coop! I laid down with them (for a bit, before my mom yelled at me haha) it was funny to see the boys try to show the hens the best little holes too
Good morning @aynesidea how are you doing today? :)
Waiting for this weather to break, cold & windy. We finally got our prefab run, 10 x 20 with some kind of wire, box is still in driveway, we had our 2.5 year old grandson from Fri afternoon, right after run delivered! Love him to pieces but he just won't slow down, so no working outside, tons of old BlackBerry brushes, we will get to them later. I'm sure we will need to do some major reno on this run to make it preditor proof, but have to get it up first. DH seems fine with having 5 wk old chicks in dining rm!!!!! So frustrated, big time. How are you?
There is no way other than x-ray. They are all born with holes in their skulls which should close on their own. It is very important that they not mix with bigger chickens until their holes close as one gentle peck in the head can be fatal. They are usually closed by 4 weeks.

My kiddos turned up their noses at the snow falling this morning hahaha

Brrr. It looks so 🥶

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