Alex I tried with him. I do not want to give him up, but Branch to me is what Jaffar is to you. I thought the boys had worked their issues out. They had been co-existing so peacefully of late. There is plenty of space and more then enough hens for them. I do not know which boy started the fight, for all I know it could have been Branch. I do know Branch is hurt and there is a pile of feathers from both boys in the coop. I will not take a chance on another fight, I see now Twig would kill Branch if given a chance. I am also upset with Bubba. The 2 of them work together, where was he when Branch needed back-up? In the sawdust pile dust bathing like nothing at all was going on.
Tis the way of the chicken unfortunately 😢

But so glad you were there to prevent anything more serious.
I found her. She was under the porch. (No Chooks sleeping under the porch allowed) so I brought her back inside. She’s weak now but I feel the same way.
I really shouldn’t get too attached to these animals, but I am. I’m gonna have to look into getting some therapy for this obsession. (Jaffar is a good therapist, but he’s also part of my problem!)
Update: well, she amazes me. She won’t let me catch her, and she won’t go to the coop. She’s still pretty fast, for being as sick as she was acting. ( but, she’s a Leghorn, and they are known to be crafty)
I will check them all when it’s finally sundown. Maybe she’ll be in by then? :idunno
Can you get her some antibiotics? Or have you done this already…?

Ok well here is hoping.

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