I voted and was just about to post the link here so everyone else could vote.

Poll Tax (which will mean something different to any Brits in here): Pooh thinking deep thoughts.
View attachment 3638649
I just looked that up. Beautiful picture of Pooh. Her ear lobes have a greenish tint in this photo, are they normally like that?
Shep heard there might be mealworms?

Also gave the girls a late snack of zucchini...which I keep mistyping as Zuckerberg. So the chickens are eating Zuckerberg I guess.
Barnyard mix, or in other words a mutt 😊

Edit - actually most all my chickens are mutts, other than the silkies. Even the Azurs are not a breed, but a hybrid that was developed by Hendrix Genetics.
Oh, I forgot that you said that once!
Hendrix Genetics? Never heard of it.

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