Hello all, I’m a longtime lurker of Fluffybutt acres, and a big fan of what Bob’s work has become! You all are such a cute, chatty community :) I haven’t read the whole thread obv, but have jumped around here and there (currently reading around the September mark) and love your stories.

I have a flock of six in Washington state (it took a LOT of math to get to this number); four mature girls currently cycling through molts, and two pullets I’m hoping will start to lay any day now. :fl

My mugs Monday is Dottie, hoping her pitiful coif gets her first dibs on dandelions.

Here is a summertime throwback photo of my four ladies in their run, and a gaggle of adolescents up on the perch in the background (of which only two were kept).
Ok here is the money tax I owe 😊

Mr P is in need of a haircut I guess
Mr.P . Looks great with his 70's hair style
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Eli-too looks so fierce but she is really a sweetie pie - unless your a frog or bug…
Eli does not look fierce at all, she's beautiful 😍
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Muffy gets my vote for most hilarious mug, I really should trim her whiskers she is having issues at night flying down from the door (though she gets up there quite fine)
Muffy, looks like she's about to give someone a good telling off
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Three little chickies sitting on a door,
I looked but couldn’t find one more.
So I snapped off a photo of trio for show,
And a fourth little chickie was sitting down below!
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Henny Penny, the dedicated wee mama
Good mama, Henny Penny
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On a different topic, Blanche moulted and the white tips on her feathers disappeared
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Blanche's feathers will soon come back
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Hello all, I’m a longtime lurker of Fluffybutt acres, and a big fan of what Bob’s work has become! You all are such a cute, chatty community :) I haven’t read the whole thread obv, but have jumped around here and there (currently reading around the September mark) and love your stories.

I have a flock of six in Washington state (it took a LOT of math to get to this number); four mature girls currently cycling through molts, and two pullets I’m hoping will start to lay any day now. :fl

My mugs Monday is Dottie, hoping her pitiful coif gets her first dibs on dandelions.
View attachment 3678246
Here is a summertime throwback photo of my four ladies in their run, and a gaggle of adolescents up on the perch in the background (of which only two were kept).
View attachment 3678248
Hello @BeastBaby 👋

Welcome to our friendly fluffy butt's ☺️

You fit in just nicely already. Your flock is beautiful 😍
They will always be known as The School Chicks to me 😊

It’s easier to count them if I group them:
First chicks
School chicks + Tippy
The Roo…..

Break it down to manageable numbers, doesn’t seem that many that way!
Princess has booked her flight and will arrive next Monday :D:gig
I am sure that Princess is missing Tina, and is probably quite lonely. You are a dear to cuddle with her - I am sure she needs you more than ever now that her partner in crime has passed.:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugsHugs to both of you!

Would you be able to get another older, rescue hen for Princess to have as a companion? Maybe 2? It is awful hard on a chicken being alone.
I've explained everything. It's not possible for me. I have serious bone and joint problems literally from my neck into my feet.

It's getting riskier and if I landed up in a wheelchair or died because of an accident all my animals would be insecure. Yesterday I could have had a heart attack with the immense pain and stress.

Princess came to me yesterday and allowed me to cuddle her. I'm trying to work out the best way forward for her I love her very much.

I'm getting a batch if leaves for her later, she really enjoys the garden and she'll be coming inside for visits for now
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Hello all, I’m a longtime lurker of Fluffybutt acres, and a big fan of what Bob’s work has become! You all are such a cute, chatty community :) I haven’t read the whole thread obv, but have jumped around here and there (currently reading around the September mark) and love your stories.

I have a flock of six in Washington state (it took a LOT of math to get to this number); four mature girls currently cycling through molts, and two pullets I’m hoping will start to lay any day now. :fl

My mugs Monday is Dottie, hoping her pitiful coif gets her first dibs on dandelions.
View attachment 3678246
Here is a summertime throwback photo of my four ladies in their run, and a gaggle of adolescents up on the perch in the background (of which only two were kept).
View attachment 3678248
Welcome aboard!
I've explained everything. It's not possible for me. I have serious bone and joint problems literally from my neck into my feet.

It's getting riskier and if I landed up in a wheelchair or died because of an accident all my animals would be insecure. Yesterday I could have had a heart attack with the immense pain and stress.

Princess came to me yesterday and allowed me to cuddle her. I'm trying to work out the best way forward for her I love her very much.

I'm getting a batch if leaves for her later, she really enjoys the garden and she'll be coming inside for visits for now
:hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs
So, for Mugs Monday, a troublesome duo! The darker girl had gotten injured on her hind quarter - the one with more copper has been her 'friend/companion' while she healed. The two are a hoot (and yes, she is all better now). The one with more copper is very inquisitive (as you can probably tell by the photos0, but the injured girl is much more tolerant of 'mommy' wanting to hold her - ESPECIALLY if she is hold ing a mealworm while doing so!!!

Neither is cuddly, but they do tolerate mom's attentions. Now to reintegrate them back in with the flock!

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Speaking of 'flock' @RoyalChick , this is my take yesterday.

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The exact same for the past 3-4 days. :idunno I think I have 2 scabs in my midst that are crossing the picker line!!!! No one else is laying but the two chickens that laid these eggs. Even the ducks have only been laying 4-5 eggs - but considering that they are molting, and all but 4 are 4 +, then i'm completely fine with that. However, you 45+ adult girls - come on! Really - only 2 eggs a day??? If each of you only laid one egg a week - that would still be roughly 6 eggs a day!

So, I am unsure of how to proceed, as the AFCU - TSG local 13 hasn't answered my counter offer, nor have they stopped tree sitting, but they HAVE stopped laying eggs (again, all but the 2 'scabs':idunno

(And, personally, the green egg layer - SHOULD stop - or at least stop laying jumbo sized eggs - she is fairly petite! I am pretty sure each of these last 3 eggs are double yolkers. She has only laid one double yolker prior to this - now, since molting - she has onnly laid 1 regular sized egg.:(
I love the two dog crates joined together - I never thought of doing that but it looks like an excellent idea.
Love the eggs - your buddy Babs lays every day and I mean every day. I keep telling her to stop but she just looks at me with those big dark eyes. She shows no sign of molting. Naturally I worry about her - though they say the winter will be mild but wet so maybe it will be OK if she decides to molt in January!

I've kept Princess in my sight all morning. She's pecked around the garden for a few hours and my friend got hold of a bag of leaves and is now digging through them

She's had some electrolytes water earlier now she got a watered down probiotic water.

I called the hen rescue for a little guidance they recommended I try too find someone on fb which I can't bring myself to use. Maybe there's a lone old hen that needs company or I could get one here. But my one friend says she doesn't know how to use or find the local hen site and she's dead against me having more because she understands my conditions. If only I could find someone who has hens nearby


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