Twofer tuesday.
Samara and Morinth.
Today is my 14th wedding anniversary, thinking of making from scratch spaghetti sauce to celebrate.
I don't. I know no one else is injured. I've not seen any blood on anything or any excessive feathers her color. She's always in the coop or the run, though she stays in the coop mostly and away from Manny as much as she can. I've seen her squeeze under the little tables we put in for the chicks to keep him away. That's why I assumed it was him.
I would certainly keep track and try to watch them a much as I can. That is a big wound. It either was one big trauma or a lot of little ones. If it was a lot of little ones you should be able catch them at it.
:wee:wee:weePear appeared on the patio this morning, Nimbus appeared in the olive trees. Both have no signs of trauma from yesterday! Twirp is still with us. Whiskey is eating and trying to convince her to. Haven't seen her eat yet. Felt her crop, feels squishy. I think she's had more water and not much else. Biscuit crumbles were happily inhaled by Whiskey. Twirp turned her beak up at them. Taking Sherlock for a walk, then getting pumpkin started.
Super good news! I'm so happy for all of you! :wee:wee:wee

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