Babs is the same. She goes weeks without a break.
I really had hoped the Azurs would slow up with the cold, I guess it was warm for so long and now the days are getting longer. I can only hope that they slow down now that they are coming up to being a yr old.

Meanwhile I will keep an eye on them, have to say though they are very business like with their egg laying. They will carry on squawking up a storm prior to laying their eggs, then they hop in pop out an egg leave the nest and go about their business! There is no egg song afterwards for them - how weird is that?

And this morning I was late getting to the barn (6:40) and when I opened the door to Hen House B there was an egg on the floor! And when I went to check behind the door there was another egg! The door had passed over top of it thankfully 😳 they were blue so likely the Azurs. AND I found another egg up on the straw stack that was stone cold so it had to have been there over night - that make ls 23 eggs yesterday 😳😳 gosh what’s going on there?!
I’ve read somewhere (here on BYC?) that when given a choice, chickens will choose a roost that allows their bums to hang down. Are yours learning to air their butt feathers out now 😆
Hahahaha could be! But I have found with the roosting ledge that there is less drama at bed time, and easier for them to get to their desired spot. Also I have it all on one level so no fighting for a higher spot.

I pick poops off the ledge daily so no poopy feet or bums, takes about 5 min the sweep the poops into a basket for disposal.

Right now I have two of the pullets wanting to join those in Hen House A - Petunia and Eli-too have been brought into the main flock, and the other pullets would also like to join everyone in there, once Marty and Curly finish moulting fully I will start leaving the door open between the two units, so they can decide where they want to roost - and of course they will all want to cram into HH-A likely hahahaha!

I put the thermometer/hygrometer in HH-B overnight and this morning the temp in there was +1.7C and humid level 61%.

Tonight I will put it in HH-A tonight and see what the temp is in there.
I really had hoped the Azurs would slow up with the cold, I guess it was warm for so long and now the days are getting longer. I can only hope that they slow down now that they are coming up to being a yr old.

Meanwhile I will keep an eye on them, have to say though they are very business like with their egg laying. They will carry on squawking up a storm prior to laying their eggs, then they hop in pop out an egg leave the nest and go about their business! There is no egg song afterwards for them - how weird is that?

And this morning I was late getting to the barn (6:40) and when I opened the door to Hen House B there was an egg on the floor! And when I went to check behind the door there was another egg! The door had passed over top of it thankfully 😳 they were blue so likely the Azurs. AND I found another egg up on the straw stack that was stone cold so it had to have been there over night - that make ls 23 eggs yesterday 😳😳 gosh what’s going on there?!
I just have Babs and Piglet laying. Nobody else showing any indication that laying is a thing they might do one day.
That is very helpful on print size.
Mine are definitely fox not neighborhood dog!
Yesterday there were many prints but none came into the chicken yard. They all went around the fence-that-isn’t-there. Hoping I can get it up soon as there will be a thaw next week.
Wow that’s worrisome isn’t it? But also funny that they remember the fence was once there?

I just have Babs and Piglet laying. Nobody else showing any indication that laying is a thing they might do one day.
I am just so surprised at my gang, they go way past 30 weeks age before starting to lay, now they won’t stop! Go figure!
Paw prints for Pony Sunday

These are much larger. Possibly Coyote? Probably just a bigger fox.
These are all the same trail with my foot for scale.
I agree on fox likely. Scary!
The young one was back this morning on top of the open run terrorizing the Princesses.
I have everything I need to hot wire that area but it is hard to get to without wiping out on the ice and it is really cold to be doing fine wire work that I couldn’t do with gloves on.
Today it warms up to 30F (-1C) so I might try this afternoon.
The young one was back this morning on top of the open run terrorizing the Princesses.
I have everything I need to hot wire that area but it is hard to get to without wiping out on the ice and it is really cold to be doing fine wire work that I couldn’t do with gloves on.
Today it warms up to 30F (-1C) so I might try this afternoon.
Gosh! What a cheeky fox! Some well placed snowballs, and banging on some pots might scare it away - but yes the hot wire will definitely fix the problem with it being so cheeky.

Sure hope it warms up for you to install that.

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