Here goes another one...

Did I show this last year?
There are walls, hides, and perches all throughout the run for her to sneak away behind. Hopefully enough, possibly not :confused: It feels too cluttered to me
My run is a cluttered mess. I keep a lane clear down the center for me, from the run door to the coop door. If I need to/have to get something out at the sides, I have stuff to step over, around, between.
My run is a cluttered mess. I keep a lane clear down the center for me, from the run door to the coop door. If I need to/have to get something out at the sides, I have stuff to step over, around, between.
Nice. What sorts of things?
I have mostly logs, some upright rounds and others on their sides. And the Xmas tree is tossed in there as well right now, which they seem to love. I think it’s typically enough “stuff” but an extra item or two wouldn’t hurt… so trying to get some ideas.
I am a couple days behind so I have to go back and catch up from roughly Saturday afternoon. First though I want to show you this picture I took yesterday evening.

That right there friends is all the eggs that have been laid since last Wednesday. 3 Rocks and 2 suspects. If they do not lay today and so far no one has the Leghorns will have been shut down for a week exactly. This cold and snow snap also completely shut down Blueberry who has been in production since last December after she was done raising her only brood of chicks. I want another week at least with no leghorn or Blueberry eggs, I doubt I will get it. Jumped from 30F yesterday to 60F in 24 hours and the snow is melting fast. Please girls, your health is more important then eggs, take advantage of this and hold off a few more days. Thanks to your overachievement I still have 4 dozen eggs that need used up before you come back online.

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