I have been looking in the rafters to see how I could screen it. For various structural issues it is not easy to do without impeding my ventilation baffles (closed at the moment, but open in the summer), or creating a loft that they will sit on and rain poop down on my head!
If you remember I screened the whole space and it still didn't stop Eli from getting up there.
What about those flexible plastic (i think) spike strips that people use to keep cats off fences?

Apparently the ones i am thinking of are called bird spikes, the stainless steel ones are scary, but they come in plastic too.
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Oh YES!!!! ❤️

It truly is elementary.

You humans forget that chickens are birds. If you leave an opening, even up high, we can fly and go through it.

Hence the commandos of Force 10 from North Jersey were able to breach your incomplete defenses and raid your supply depot.

You should expect further raids until you close off their current route of ingress.
Yes it is good news. I picked a spot that is very out in the open in the hope the squirrels don’t go there. I know I have predators so this doesn’t alter that fact but it gives me hope I can make it a crow buffet table!
I get it! :thumbsup
How old is too old for a leghorn? Speaking of Hen-Rietta’s egg laying .
I am really surprised that she is still laying at 7. That's amazing. I would not expect many more. Sadly there is no hard and fast rules on when they stop. They will stop when they run out of eggs to lay.

I wish I could be more help.
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