Caturday Saturday

Still 4 min to go for Saturday

Missy is very much enjoying the mild weather also- it was a revolving door here with her going on and out all day.

I am really surprised that she is still laying at 7. That's amazing. I would not expect many more. Sadly there is no hard and fast rules on when they stop. They will stop when they run out of eggs to lay.

I wish I could be more help.
Penelope is 7 and I am sure she won’t lay anymore eggs, I haven’t seen her lay one since last Fall when I tried hatching that precious one of hers. But I have not seen Mr P interested in her so I am betting she isn’t fertile anymore. Dorothy will be her only chick.

I have not seen Mr P breeding Larry but her back is dirty like he has been planting his feet there so I have hopes. She is 6 this year same as the other of my niece’s hens.

The other day I notices red feathers everywhere and thought they had been scraping, but today when I was trimming butts I noticed that Sharpie is in the midst of going bald with a moult - holy Dinah! I have never seen such a thing! Of course I have never seen such a mild winter either! I am stopping her calcium as I haven’t seen an egg from her in a bit. Come to think of it, I haven’t seen one from Raven or Larry either. Though, Larry does sit in her favourite nest box for a few hours in the morning.

Past couple days I see that Sophia has laid a lovely egg, she will be 6 this year. Blanche also, but I have not seen an egg from her in a while.

Gosh all my ladies are getting so old! Even my original girls Fluffy, Henny and Curly will be 3 along with Marty. I wonder how old silkies generally live. And when they stop laying.
Interesting Notes

Good News
Aurora spotted it. Everyone did as they should. It was not interested in them from what I could tell.

Bad News
As usual, it is not afraid of me.

Aurora alarmed and all the song birds went quiet. Not the other way around. I think she spotted it first.

I noticed that first.

Éowyn was out with us. She stopped and looked towards the tree. That started me looking in that direction for the threat.

Then the hawk chirped. I know that sound is one a Cooper's Hawk makes and that's how I found it in the tree.
Sounds like Aurora and Éowyn are the lookouts now, it’s great how cats can spot things so fast. But I am surprised that even with your cat there it still swooped past you.

Likley just nosey seeing what’s up.
How do the baffles work? Can you take pictures of the baffles - maybe both open and closed so I can see how they operate and are attached? I have a bit of a thought, but need to see how they operate and might/might not be impeded by what I am thnking.
I too would be interested in seeing how they work.

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