Another egg from Hen-Rietta this morning. I found Sir Jaffar guarding it. She had long since left after laying it. I’m not going to incubate her eggs, or anyone’s for that matter. But I might increase my tribe size this spring.
My preference would be:
Speckled Suspects
Brown Leghorns
Or possibly Buff Brahmas or Orpingtons
I’m not convinced yet. :old :idunno
The Brahmas might get picked on because of their feathered feet. I have some and they do.

Get some Speckled Sussex and Butt Orpingtons.
Another egg from Hen-Rietta this morning. I found Sir Jaffar guarding it. She had long since left after laying it. I’m not going to incubate her eggs, or anyone’s for that matter. But I might increase my tribe size this spring.
My preference would be:
Speckled Suspects
Brown Leghorns
Or possibly Buff Brahmas or Orpingtons
I’m not convinced yet. :old :idunno
For such a big girl, she does quite well. She can even (with a little guidance) fit through the wire fencing into the garden. She bites if you attempt to steal eggs while she's laying (good omen re broody) and is a double arm full to carry about. I've read that light Brahma are a pound heavier....
I like all the Brahma but those dark ones feathers are lovely.

Maybe I’ll look at the buff Brahma….. not familiar with them.
Tassels provided a second egg so I investigated bloom. Washing the egg definitely changes the color, but I wouldn’t say it is a green egg.
I also washed one of Pooh’s eggs.

I guess next time I add to my flock I need to try again for a green egg layer!

Oh my goodness - maybe that isn't a Tassels egg at all. Sylvie is supposed to lay dark brown eggs with speckles. Oh now I am very very confused!
Have you tried Grade EH Farms? They say they ship "Canada-wide". It appears to be only straight-run unless otherwise specified....Appenzeller were CA$25 (24.99) for 2023....They also ship eggs. I don't see 2024 pages up yet, but people are maybe ordering now and it gets put in a queue? Also they say to check their Facebook page, and I don't see anything for 2024 there yet.

"You can find us in Delta, BC and we ship live birds Canada wide. You can email us at [email protected]. We appreciate your message and we will address your specific enquiry as soon as we can. " Also "If we have not communicated with you prior to your order form and you have an important question or request relating to your order, please send us an email first, instead of writing it down the comments part of the order form so we are certain not to miss it. "
Yes I have checked them out, but with shipping it would be extremely expensive for just a few chicks. They want a six chick min ($150) plus shipping of over $170 - taxes…. Well over $325 for 6 chicks!

I can get chicks from Peavey for $11/chick…. No shipping costs 😟
Tassels provided a second egg so I investigated bloom. Washing the egg definitely changes the color, but I wouldn’t say it is a green egg.
I also washed one of Pooh’s eggs.
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I guess next time I add to my flock I need to try again for a green egg layer!

Oh my goodness - maybe that isn't a Tassels egg at all. Sylvie is supposed to lay dark brown eggs with speckles. Oh now I am very very confused!
I think they are all gorgeous 😊💕
I think they are all gorgeous 😊💕
Oh me too - but I am a bit embarrassed I don’t know who is laying what.
The egg I think is from Tassels is laid in Sylvie’s box - where she spends the night to avoid the bully Piglet.
How Piglet - who is tiny - gets to be the class bully I will never understand!

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