If it’s any consolation we had sleet, hail, and snow today… someone needs to remind Mother Nature that we don’t do that here! 😂 my delicate Canadian constitution is not equipped for that sort of weather. The (very light) hail terrified the goats, but all the chickens had the good sense to take cover.
Mother Nature is menopausal. You have to expect hot flashes and cold flashes....possible conflicting with each other and changing like a coin spins....

Cuddle puddle.
They still like hanging out on "mama". Wing feathers on the rhodies have gotten much bigger. Both rocks and the australorp seem to be slow feathering. I've read that the barring is crisper when the feathers come in slowly. As I recall from Hector's growth, he was slower than the rest too....then BOOM, covered over night.
I'm also getting a couple of each of these, too:

Sapphire Gem (they only had 1 'available'. On hatch day, I may see if they have extra and add a couple more.
Sapphire Jewel Day Old Chicks

And a few of these: EEs
Easter Egger Day Old Chicks

And 2 of these:
Black Copper Marans:
Black Copper Marans Day Old Chicks
They don't say 'french', but there appears to be a bit of fuzz on the picture of the BCM....so we will see!
I'm also getting a couple of each of these, too:

Sapphire Gem (they only had 1 'available'. On hatch day, I may see if they have extra and add a couple more.
Sapphire Jewel Day Old Chicks

And a few of these: EEs
Easter Egger Day Old Chicks

And 2 of these:
Black Copper Marans:
Black Copper Marans Day Old Chicks
They don't say 'french', but there appears to be a bit of fuzz on the picture of the BCM....so we will see!
I am glad to see your chicken math is working right.
I'm also getting a couple of each of these, too:

Sapphire Gem (they only had 1 'available'. On hatch day, I may see if they have extra and add a couple more.
Sapphire Jewel Day Old Chicks

And a few of these: EEs
Easter Egger Day Old Chicks

And 2 of these:
Black Copper Marans:
Black Copper Marans Day Old Chicks
They don't say 'french', but there appears to be a bit of fuzz on the picture of the BCM....so we will see!
This is why I am stressing about my broody girl - I thought I had another 4 weeks to get things done.

But, nope - they march to their own drum/beat, not my plans!! :lau :lau
This is why I am stressing about my broody girl - I thought I had another 4 weeks to get things done.

But, nope - they march to their own drum/beat, not my plans!! :lau :lau
Your plans really don't need to matter to them. Why? Well, let me explain.

They are essentially tiny dinosaurs. They are still mighty, despite their size. And that means that the human is less mighty than the chicken, as the chicken hath the brains of a dinosaur, and the hooman hath none. Therefore, the hooman is supposed to be beneath the chicken, as the chicken is from the dinosaurs, who ruleth hoomans.

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