Okay, poultry competition went well. There was me and one other person on our team, while every other team had four-eight people. We didn’t get last though. I was going to make an offer for one of the hens because I had 40 dollars, but when I finished my last “station,” everyone was already at the bus, so I wasn’t able to.

My polishes are coming next week!

Name ideas:
Athena ( Goddess of wisdom and war strategy. My personal favorite god/goddess ever.)
Circe (Goddess of sorcery)
Hera (Goddess of marriage, family, childbirth, and woman. She was married to Zeus.)
Aphrodite (Goddess of love)
Demeter (Goddess of the harvest.)
Calypso (Goddess of the sea.)
Nyx (Goddess of the night. Zeus feared her.)
Nemesis (Goddess of revenge. Nyx’s daughter.)

Yes, they are Greek goddesses. I’m obsessed with all of the Greek gods/goddesses. I bought a translated version of the Odyssey last week. It’s super hard to read 😅

There’s actually a musical that someone is writing that’s based off of the Odyssey. It’s called EPIC: The Musical. It’s so good; it’s the reason that I am in love with all of the Greek stuff.

And if for some reason I don’t like one of those names anymore:
Hesita (I do love this name though!)
Dionysus (another one that I love.)
Artemis ( This would be my first option for a name, but my dog is named the Roman version of Artemis, which is Diana. That’s the only reason I’m reluctant to name a chook this.)
Alectrona (I feel like I should name one this in honor of @notabitail. It sounds like Electrona)
Ash laid a soft shell double yolker this evening. When I pulled Morinth off the nest I saw it in the coop and popped her fluffy butt right there so she'd get a bit to eat. Mom asked if it'll be a problem with her sitting for three weeks, I told her that as long as she eats and drinks when I pull her off during my checks she should be okay. 🤷 she isn't getting any babies but I don't want to deny her such an important instinct. I have the luxury of having a second lay box.

Tax...babies! Dad and I went to family farm and home to see if I could find any nest pads since they keep scratching the pine needles away and laying on the hard floor.
Cornish rocks
Gold laced wyandottes
Golden laced wyandottes and cornish rocks
Black australorps and isa browns I think
Sapphire sky and rhode island reds I think
Silver laced wyandottes
I...wasn't tempted surprisingly. I have too much going on with my current ladies haha.
Hubby giving them snacks on Sunday
Okay, poultry competition went well. There was me and one other person on our team, while every other team had four-eight people. We didn’t get last though. I was going to make an offer for one of the hens because I had 40 dollars, but when I finished my last “station,” everyone was already at the bus, so I wasn’t able to.

My polishes are coming next week!

Name ideas:
Athena ( Goddess of wisdom and war strategy. My personal favorite god/goddess ever.)
Circe (Goddess of sorcery)
Hera (Goddess of marriage, family, childbirth, and woman. She was married to Zeus.)
Aphrodite (Goddess of love)
Demeter (Goddess of the harvest.)
Calypso (Goddess of the sea.)
Nyx (Goddess of the night. Zeus feared her.)
Nemesis (Goddess of revenge. Nyx’s daughter.)

Yes, they are Greek goddesses. I’m obsessed with all of the Greek gods/goddesses. I bought a translated version of the Odyssey last week. It’s super hard to read 😅

There’s actually a musical that someone is writing that’s based off of the Odyssey. It’s called EPIC: The Musical. It’s so good; it’s the reason that I am in love with all of the Greek stuff.

And if for some reason I don’t like one of those names anymore:
Hesita (I do love this name though!)
Dionysus (another one that I love.)
Artemis ( This would be my first option for a name, but my dog is named the Roman version of Artemis, which is Diana. That’s the only reason I’m reluctant to name a chook this.)
Alectrona (I feel like I should name one this in honor of @notabitail. It sounds like Electrona)
Glad it went well! I'm partial to Demeter, Calypso, and Nyx myself
Okay, poultry competition went well. There was me and one other person on our team, while every other team had four-eight people. We didn’t get last though. I was going to make an offer for one of the hens because I had 40 dollars, but when I finished my last “station,” everyone was already at the bus, so I wasn’t able to.

My polishes are coming next week!

Name ideas:
Athena ( Goddess of wisdom and war strategy. My personal favorite god/goddess ever.)
Circe (Goddess of sorcery)
Hera (Goddess of marriage, family, childbirth, and woman. She was married to Zeus.)
Aphrodite (Goddess of love)
Demeter (Goddess of the harvest.)
Calypso (Goddess of the sea.)
Nyx (Goddess of the night. Zeus feared her.)
Nemesis (Goddess of revenge. Nyx’s daughter.)

Yes, they are Greek goddesses. I’m obsessed with all of the Greek gods/goddesses. I bought a translated version of the Odyssey last week. It’s super hard to read 😅

There’s actually a musical that someone is writing that’s based off of the Odyssey. It’s called EPIC: The Musical. It’s so good; it’s the reason that I am in love with all of the Greek stuff.

And if for some reason I don’t like one of those names anymore:
Hesita (I do love this name though!)
Dionysus (another one that I love.)
Artemis ( This would be my first option for a name, but my dog is named the Roman version of Artemis, which is Diana. That’s the only reason I’m reluctant to name a chook this.)
Alectrona (I feel like I should name one this in honor of @notabitail. It sounds like Electrona)
I love all those names 😊💕

Your Polish chicks will be very lucky to have you for their Hooman.
I love all those names 😊💕

Your Polish chicks will be very lucky to have you for their Hooman.
Thank you! 😊 I’m just worried because I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to tell them apart…. Leg bands, here I come! I’ll probably name them by their personalities. So that’s gonna be when they are way older… oh well.
I may have missed the first answers you got, so sorry if I'm repeating stuff that was already said. I am no expert by any means, but here is some basic information.

First, just to make sure : did you stop the vitamins while doing Corid ? Corid mimicks vitamin B1, so giving both at the same time will counter the effect. If you did, you would have to start again as if on day 1.

Then, did you do all the basic checks for a sick chicken ? You can find more detailed sources of info, but to sum it up : respiratory ( listen to breathing sounds, watch if face is swelling abnormally), swollen eyes, checking the ears (hidden under the little cap), crop you said was normal, mites/lice near the vent and under the wings and neck, injuries under the wings. Look if the chicken has trouble walking and balance, and if she is holding her neck normally. Feel the abdomen to see if it is swollen, and either abnormally hard or squishy. I don't remember if Albert is already laying : in case she is, you need to watch if that is causing her difficulties, if she is staying too long in the nest or if she has put laying on hold.

As for a dewormer, I don't approve of deworming when you are not sure that chickens have worms, but I have done it myself on sick chickens when I couldn't identify their issue. I am not sure if you can find Flubendazole in the US : that would be the best choice as it covers everything except tapeworms, has no withdrawal period and is the least offensive for the chicken's digestive system. Next to that I would use febendazole, which has a two weeks withdrawal in my country (France) , it's sold in the US as Safeguard for goats I believe.
Thanks for the thorough reminders of what to check for!
Breathing is quiet and unlabored, eyes are clear and bright, no mites that I could spot. I wasn’t sure what to look for for her ears?
She was laying eggs, 4ish a week, but I would guess that her last was about a full week ago now.

She seems improved today- her comb is now a pale pink instead of just pale, and every time I looked outside she had her tail perked up rather than depressed down. Although she still looked poofed and reserved. And she hadn’t touched their pellets (I assume, since she’s still rocking an empty crop). She did join the fray for scrambled egg and apple!

Albert is the gray/rust chicken on the upper right. Besides a pale comb, she looks fine in this photo. :confused:

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