Attach a small piece of wood on top of the holding board just there where the panel top is, so it is level with the top. that will make a great perch!
But I don’t want anyone roosting there. They poop all over the window!
My Princesses have over 25’ of roost to choose from (not counting the rafters), I think they can learn to use what is already there.
Or poop on the window. Sigh.
But I don’t want anyone roosting there. They poop all over the window!
My Princesses have over 25’ of roost to choose from (not counting the rafters), I think they can learn to use what is already there.
Or poop on the window. Sigh.
Ya I have window sill roosting chooks - ugh poopy window sills.

And Buttrrcup and Misty like to roost on that door, I am surprised the curtain on the window isn’t full of crud 😳
Just logged into the barn cams - Marty is in her usual afternoon spot preening, oh and look! 5 more eggs in that nestbox box below her (I currently have 18 dozen eggs to sell - make that 19 after today!)

Checked outside and the snow is all gone (except in the shade) and it’s +8C, the horses are happy!

I will let the chooks out when I get home, and while they are running amok, I will fix the panels that were damaged in the wind storm the other night.

Not that the run keeps the troublemakers Tippy, Eli-too, and Butterscotch in; this weekend I plan on putting netting over the run, I think we should done with the majority of the snow, freezing rain maybe not, but I will take my chances with that. I really need a safe place for the gang to get outside, that eagle really got me worrying.

Also I have narrowed down my choices for chicks at Peavey Mart:
- Light Brahma
- Buff Brahma
- Silver Laces Wyandotte
- Lavender Orp
- Midnight Majesty Marans
- or Speckled Suspect

….wait that list seems to have grown 😲
Ash laid a soft shell double yolker this evening. When I pulled Morinth off the nest I saw it in the coop and popped her fluffy butt right there so she'd get a bit to eat. Mom asked if it'll be a problem with her sitting for three weeks, I told her that as long as she eats and drinks when I pull her off during my checks she should be okay. 🤷 she isn't getting any babies but I don't want to deny her such an important instinct. I have the luxury of having a second lay box.

Tax...babies! Dad and I went to family farm and home to see if I could find any nest pads since they keep scratching the pine needles away and laying on the hard floor.
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Cornish rocks
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Gold laced wyandottes
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Golden laced wyandottes and cornish rocks
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Black australorps and isa browns I think
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Sapphire sky and rhode island reds I think
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Silver laced wyandottes
I...wasn't tempted surprisingly. I have too much going on with my current ladies haha.
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Hubby giving them snacks on Sunday
The first pic, of the cornish rocks - they look cold! :(

Looks like they are liking Hubby! (even if it is because he is the bearer of snacks!) :)
Pretty names but rather charged ... You do know about Circe and the pigs ?

I'm glad she is better and hope she is on her way to recovery ! Maybe the Corid did help, or maybe she is getting over whatever she caught.
And I hope I wasn't obnoxious. It was more than a year and a half after I got my first chickens that I became aware of things to check for 😐.
About the ear, if there is an infection it could be clogged, swollen or full of waxy stuff which would be hidden under the protective cap.
The pale comb could also be from hormones if she has stopped laying.

Do you remember that you corrected me about the golden eagle I thought translated as bald eagle ? I realised I was probably making another bird translation mistakes. I kept thinking we have lots of crows here that everyone says are so good for chickens - but I think I was wrong and we don't have crows, we have ravens ? They do work very well to harass the hawks and eagles too, but they are rather big birds themselves, and scary for the chickens.
I took some butt pictures ! But.... I can't wait for my phone to die so I can get one with a better camera 🤣.

Laure is on the big and fluffy side of the force.
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So is Nougat ( and dirty hum 😱🤫)
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Annette is sleek
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This is the smallest butt of my chickens, Chipie
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Next to Annette for size
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Happy butts with a bit of unexpected sun this morning. Léa, Gaston, Blanche and Lulu. Now it's pouring ! I am very glad as we need the rain, but the chickens not so much !
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Yes, I do know about Circe turning Odysseus’s men into pigs. I kinda feel like it would be funny for these insane chickens with topknots to be walking around and for them to have very terrifying names. I’m not sure, maybe it’s just me.

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