Petunia update

Well! I just got in from evening chores, I like to give the chooks a final once over when they are all snoozing - while I was doing a final check/headcount I noticed that Petunia had laid a soft egg and a normal egg!

I palpated her belly and the mass I felt was gone! So seems it was an egg I felt.

Not sure why she picked up after I started the antibiotics but likely because the stuck egg might have been causing a low grade infection.

So I am eggstatic that she passed the eggs and I will keep her on the calcium for the foreseeable future.

Boy that X-ray sure didn’t show that egg did it?! I wonder if an ultrasound would have shown it?
Can you post a link to your post with the X-ray. I want to look at it again but I can’t find the post.
You should tell the vet too so they learn.
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Do the Kalmbach foods help them lay dark yolks? My girls very much like their Scratch & Peck, but fed on it’s own their yolks look pretty anemic.
I don’t know. Mine often get ranging time as well as feed.
As I have been traveling they were not ranging so I can see the color of their eggs they laid while I was away. Back home tomorrow - I will let you know.
Don’t the fox get them? Can’t they dig out their burrows?
For woodchucks you can divert them by poring cat litter into their holes they say, they hate it. We’ve done that and they don’t use that hole anymore.
Rodent tax
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A fox might eat a baby one if it was caught above ground, but they would never risk encountering an healthy adult. They have massive claws and are very strong from all the digging.
What kind of cat litter? Just a bit, or fill up the hole? I need to try this.

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Yes agreed - oh I felt that egg for sure ! It was really obvious, the vet initially agreed but that X-ray was the thing that didn’t back it up, she did say soft shelled eggs wouldn’t show up.

At any rate the wormer and the antibiotics likely helped with the egg movement.

I palpated that egg this morning and the mass was still there - now it’s gone yay! So I am sure it was the soft egg.
Do you know which she laid first?
Can you post a link to your post with the X-ray. I want to look at it again but I can’t find the post.
You should tell the vet too so they learn.
Yes I plan on emailing her, I generally always email updates to the Vets.

Here is the soft egg and the normal egg.

I opened the soft egg and it appeared normal other than the shell.
I would assume the soft one, it’s the one at the front I would guess, I don’t see how the normal one would slip past the soft one - is that possible??
That was my guess too. And it might explain the X-ray too if the shelled one had not yet fully formed its shell at the time of the X-ray.

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