Hi everyone, popping in for a quick update.

Grandma has pretty much stopped eating and drinking. The last meal she had was breakfast Monday morning. We have been struggling to get her meds down with applesauce. Mom called out the nurse this morning. They came, vitals are dropping and the decision was made from here out to stop all medicine except her pain meds and the valium to calm her nerves if we can get that down. She talked in her sleep all night long, with my uncle who passed back in November.
:hugs :hugs:hugs
Stay strong. Stay and talk to her maybe hold her hand so she can sense someone is with her.
We are here if you need us.
Hi everyone, popping in for a quick update.

Grandma has pretty much stopped eating and drinking. The last meal she had was breakfast Monday morning. We have been struggling to get her meds down with applesauce. Mom called out the nurse this morning. They came, vitals are dropping and the decision was made from here out to stop all medicine except her pain meds and the valium to calm her nerves if we can get that down. She talked in her sleep all night long, with my uncle who passed back in November.
Talk with her about God, she will take comfort in that.
This morning's hangout location

Both sides...

Had to go into town briefly. Saw a redwing blackbird (they're migratory, so have been gone since Sept/Oct). Good thing I hung the Christmas gift from FIL

And the morning's contributions to the nest site
Baby pic, taken this morning.View attachment 3770773Top to bottom: Focus, Kate, light Brahma(semi under the bigs), Rose, sussex, Jane, Hyacinth, Hetty, Violet, Blurr.

Temp above freezing, snow on mountains surrounding the valley, wind icy. Temp in coop, fairly warm. Adults enjoying breakfast alfresco. Where they will lounge today will probably fluctuate depending on whether or not the snow hits us.
Ooooooh, the bigs look like they will be flying very soon...those wing feathers are coming in fast!
Did something happen to him?
Sir Jaffar is now an indoor rooster. I found him in the run cowering and bleeding from wounds to his wattles and his comb. His good eye, he’s keeping closed and I fear that he’s been attacked by the neighbors roo again. I’m going to dispatch the neighbors rooster. It’s obvious that that neighbor has no sense of community safety.
Jaffar is messed up 😔
I'm so sorry Feather head, he didn't deserve this. He's a wonderful boy. Tell Sir Jaffar we are sending prayers and good wishes his way!

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