

Taken days ago. We've had nothing but rain here so we are all indoors
Just shouting out a hello to @RoyalChick :frow
Hello back.

Waving tax: Piglet torn between eating green grass shoots and sunbathing figured out how to do both. She never broke rhythm pecking at the grass but held out first one wing and then the other to catch the rays. She sure is dedicated to her eating that girl!
:eek:No way! That does suck.
I guess I’m picturing something out of a movie- eight kids all step in, four head to each fighter and restrain them, saying calming sorts of things. The school officials then show up, all impressed by the quick thinking youth. Roll credits.
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I've got a nephew who was in a fight in middle school...sort of. Other kid did all the swinging. Nephew deflected all the punches so he didn't get hurt. It was even on camera. School still suspended them both (what kind of lesson does that teach: getting beat up still gets you kicked out cause you were "in" a fight). His dad asked him where he wanted to go for ice cream while in the principal's office. Principal was outraged: you're taking him for ice cream for fighting?! Dad: no, I'm rewarding him for doing what we taught him, defending himself.


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