Good morning everyone.
Rosie has strep throat so she is in isolation in her room with her kitten Keeper. This morning I woke up with a massive migraine and feel like my eye's are about to pop out of my head. Grandma is still here. Grandma is a fighter, and she has fought everything so in my heart I also know she is fighting this. I wish she could fight this and make a miraculous turn around, but I know she cannot. In chicken news I decided to finally listen to dad's advice on Poppet. The little devil is still not laying. He told me I needed to let her out to free range with the flock, that may stimulate her into egg laying. 4 days now she has been allowed out first thing in the morning and then puts herself to bed at night with the rest. The horse stalls and area's around them have became her domain. No one picks on her. She also loves to dust bath right smack dab in the center of Dirt's stall. Thankfully Dirt just stays in his favorite corner while the dust bath party is going on and naps. Neither of the boys have attempted to breed her, that I have saw mind you. I have witnessed Branch announcing he's found something yummy and she has ran to him and he has let her eat it so that is a start. Poppet is happy, and now fully a member of the flock. I wanted to not let her free range, but, dang it, I do not think I could keep her locked up anymore seeing how content she is ruling over her little domain.
This is from this morning, my camera battery died after 2 pictures. I tried calling her to get her to come to me as I was not ready to walk outside off the steps, she ignored me the brat.
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This all sounds very positive. I like that she is out with everyone else. She gets to be a full fledged chicken.
Came home from work, roads bare/dry, snow all gone. Played with Sherlock, then climbed into the bath tub for an hour. Came out for dinner/closing coop (all settled).
North side

South side.

Rewind winter for the umpteenth time....🎵🎶
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