Two fer Tuesday

Two dark silkies

Two snoozing ladies

And two white horses
Shew, I am breathing a bit easier right now. Poppet is torturing me as you all know. Without DNA sexing silkies are just incredibly hard to sex. Everything about her screams pullet, but at 11 months and no egg doubts started creeping in. Those were compounded with the fact that I am really attached to that little pipsqueak and she follows me around like a dog when I am outside. I get attached to the boys, and the boys me so alarm bells started ringing. With yesterdays good "mug" photo's I went to the experts last night in the silkie forum for reassurances.

They have spoken, pullet. They also reminded me silkies can take forever to lay that first egg. I knew this, but, it helps to be reminded of that. Ok Poppet, back to bribing you for the egg. I WANT SILKIE BABIES!
Shew, I am breathing a bit easier right now. Poppet is torturing me as you all know. Without DNA sexing silkies are just incredibly hard to sex. Everything about her screams pullet, but at 11 months and no egg doubts started creeping in. Those were compounded with the fact that I am really attached to that little pipsqueak and she follows me around like a dog when I am outside. I get attached to the boys, and the boys me so alarm bells started ringing. With yesterdays good "mug" photo's I went to the experts last night in the silkie forum for reassurances.
View attachment 3796392
They have spoken, pullet. They also reminded me silkies can take forever to lay that first egg. I knew this, but, it helps to be reminded of that. Ok Poppet, back to bribing you for the egg. I WANT SILKIE BABIES!
Yes, that's a pullet. :)

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