It is horrible and water logged.
I still haven’t dealt with that corner of the covered run that floods and so there was standing water again. It does drain when the downpour stops but it never seems to stop.
I was out in the rain this morning digging an additional drainage channel so that the water doesn’t sit all around my chair!
The clay soil is super soggy and slimy!
Ugh, it’s miserable isn’t it - even the geese are not happy, sitting there hunched up with the rain pelting down on them.

It isn’t Calypso who is broody. It is Tassels. And I am worried because she hasn’t figured out self-care at all!
Is she pooping in the nest box? Sometimes they need to figure that one out.
These are waiting for me when I get home.
My pastor is watching over my house, while I’m on assignment.
Seems he decided that I didn’t have enough chooks:
Who would ever argue with your pastor! :idunno IMG_4170.jpeg
We measured and moved things around and talked about it. Hubby is not happy with what the ladies have currently. He wants to get a 10x20 roundtop chicken pen, hardware cloth up the bottom half and an apron, and stick their coop and two hutches turned into nesting boxes in it. Then we can have the third rabbit hutch and the brooder box ready to go for babies, sick chickens, etc. Plus it'll take up less yard space and go back into the woods.
Samara laid this egg, she is definitely going broody this time. Had some blackberries, lettuce, and cauliflower stem for a snack then she and Morinth went to the nest boxes, chuckling to themselves. Tomorrow I'm finishing up yarn quest with my sister in law so my mom said she and kiddo will be checking on the girls.
Hubby asked if white water packed tuna is okay for Morinth? We don't have sardines or kippers but we keep canned tuna in our pantry. He held her and said she seems too thin. I could even add some stuff to it if it needs it.

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