Where's that bloody worm gone and who's next door
Yes that is fine. She will like that I am sure 😊, as a supplement it’s ok, just check for added salt. But when they are broodie I don’t worry too much about what they eat as long as it’s calories.

I have given mine beef, eggs, sardines, turkey, bread etc. I don’t give veggies as that is empty calories, I also give scratch grains esp in the afternoon to tide them over at night.

They do like to make us worry, Sophia was the only one that really had me worried for her life.
Agathae was running around waving "Hatch Or Else" flags. Sigh. This year she seems to have relented on that, but she's now bragging to her Beakbook followers about her sponsor, Batty Ol' Hens. Check your chicken's nests. There may be a bottle or two of it there.
If you've got a can of tuna that's for human consumption, then get that, open it, pour it into a bowl after draining the broth, then mix with plain yogurt and eat, cold or room temperature.
I won't have to add any mercury because tuna is full of that. I guess that will help to heat things up a little 🤔
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These are waiting for me when I get home.
My pastor is watching over my house, while I’m on assignment.
Seems he decided that I didn’t have enough chooks:
Who would ever argue with your pastor! :idunnoView attachment 3799706
Looks like fluffy cheeks on the yellow, so EEs, maybe white skin on the barred, so a Cuckoo Marans to go with your barred rocks, and a silver based chipmunk striped darling that I can't see well enough to take a guess at......

Are they sexed pullets or straight runs or no idea?

Your pastor is a good man. You needed a few babies.

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