You should try and order a brooder pad for your next batch of chicks. It does the chicks a lot of favors. Make sure it's a good one.

Edit: Order it now. I'm serious.
Alex knows what he’s doing he has had a lot of chicks and chickens - he will be extra careful with the lamps I am sure.

In a couple weeks he won’t even need to have any supplemental heat likley. I am sure it will be getting really warm where he lives soon enough (please some warmth my way).

I don’t know what to tell you, my problem with ordering online is delivery. I will look into that today maybe to a store in town. They can’t deliver to my house because of theft (my house is #A in a whole block of houses from #A to #V all with the same address. That’s why I have a POBOX (who rarely accepts packages)
I have had the same issue working at remote locations. Such a pain trying to find some place to accept orders - I know how it is. Stuff always going missing.

Last winter when I was up in northern Alberta I was lucky that the local shop in town accepted Fed-Ex and Amazon deliveries.

The Post Office should be able to accept deliveries to you ‘in care of’ the Post Office. I have had to do that many times myself.

Here it drives me nuts that Amazon drops stuff at the end of the driveway by the gate. In the snow where it gets lost! Till Spring melt! 🤨

That was really something to watch. They went at it 3 times over 3 hours if I'm remembering the timeframe correctly.
Tippy is in a right snot today, she is thinking of going broody and has been picking fights with the others - they are all freaked out by her attitude 😳

The Post Office is required to accept packages if correctly addressed to your PO Box. They can complain (mine does). They can give you a hard time for not collecting them fast enough (mine does that too). But I believe they cannot legally not accept a properly addressed package for you.
You can also rent a UPS box which has the advantage of having an address that looks like a street address for all those times when you can’t use a PO Box address and also longer opening hours. It is also more expensive. I haven’t done it yet but I keep thinking about it because I have delivery issues.
With Amazon when you go to check out look carefully on the page where you confirm your address and there is usually an option to pick up from a place near you. If you look at the options there are usually several. Most of mine are grocery stores in town.
Hope that helps.

Edited to add. I have used the pick up option from Amazon in another country when I was traveling. It worked well. I went to a tiny bodega and the guy had a storage room behind the counter and just went and got me my package.
Good to know if I ever decide to go working outside the country! Or travelling (ya not likely now), or if I am in the US visiting family or friends 😊

I would like to order some chicks - where can I get them delivered to I wonder??? 😳

A Story.
This is the story of the Cockerel and the Brave Hen.

Long ago, back in the days when the Littles were getting bigger, and I thought that I could integrate them with the Bigs by letting them free range together, there was a problem. The two groups hated each other. Small fights and pecks would break out. I assumed this was normal (which it was). Sooner or later, the Cockerel, who was bigger than the Brave Hen, gets in a fight with the Brave Hen.

The fight continued, and feathers flew. And then, the Brave Hen, Lowest of the Pecking Order, 7th place in the Coop of the Bigs, hopped on top of the rooster and rode him. No, really. I wish I had filmed it. Oh, it was glorious. Dominica the Brave Hen of the Bigs rode the Foolish Cockerel of the Littles around like he was a riding horse. She had a nice, firm grip on his saddle, and held his hackles like they were reins. The Foolish Cockerel realized he was toast, and was now meant to be a steed for the Brave Hen. The Brave Hen, in her infinite mercy, released the Foolish Cockerel back, while ensuring to insult him once more.

"That was a mighty fine ride, Cockerel" she said.

The Foolish Cockerel sulked back to his hens, and watched the 7 Bigs happily play, knowing they had one once more, and that Empress Josephine's power would rule.
Hahahahaha that was great, very descriptive- I felt like I was there watching 😊
Ok here is tonight’s humour, just for @BY Bob

‘This is my spot, stop that!’
I don’t know what to tell you, my problem with ordering online is delivery. I will look into that today maybe to a store in town. They can’t deliver to my house because of theft (my house is #A in a whole block of houses from #A to #V all with the same address. That’s why I have a POBOX (who rarely accepts packages)
Can you have stuff delivered to the hangar where Marie is kept?

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