Cuddle puddle! :old :love
Mr P only has eyes for Blanche and Twister !!! He is fed up with the youngster pullets who have been over grooming him. Last night I laughed at him, Ruth walked over to groom his crest feathers and he jumped back gave her the evil eye, and ran off to join Blanche in foraging for bugs. twister soon joined them and the three of them where happy as clam in the mud; Raven came over and he chased her away!

He doesn’t like my BIL’s hens, he tolerates Larry and sometimes breeds her, ignores Red and Sharpie, and chases Raven away (though I have seen him at least once breeding her), I know Raven would love to be around him! She would love to hang with Mr P!

Bert has his girls, Flopsy, Topsy and Muffy whom he herds and feeds and sleeps with. Oh he will take advantage of the others if they give him a chance but those are his preferred hens.

Same with Teddy- he prefers Marty and Curly, he breeds the other two but he spends most of his time with those two, and they follow him around.

It’s actually quite interesting to see those dynamics. And when I was raising horses my old stallion had his preferred mares, Penny, and Shahreen where his girls, he really didn’t like Cerah at all. And I had some mares come in for breeding that he just would not breed! I think he preferred the grey spotty mares, Cerah was a chestnut and he didn’t like chestnut mares. This has been anecdotally noted with breeders of horses.
See your hen to rooster ratio is still off. You don't need to be subtracting roosters
At any rate Bert is proving to be a good boy so far, so he gets to stay.

I think the difference was in the fact that there were no other Roos, with only him as a young dingaling the hens could easily beat the crap out of him. And also I think if there are more than one young Roo they egg each other on and brawl and carouse about. Boys!!
I believe your observations are correct. Bert has nothing to prove. So he is learning proper manners without the need to compete with siblings.

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