Went to look for something to use on the grass for pee burns from the pups. Got Walt a gallon waterer and another tunnel. And tge little hanging chew toy. Never considered luffa but I want to grow them for use around the house. If I can give them to Walt to chew on too that's a bonus.
I hung out with the girls for a bit this evening. They're using the kiddie pool regularly now. Sunday I'm going to move it to where it'll get better shade from the tree in the afternoon but that requires some shoveling. Tomorrow I'm looking for another pool, probably a bigger one.
@igorsMistress What's so interesting in the white bucket that the girl's seem so interested in? Lacy seem's to be doing good, and Angus look's to still be trying to watch over the hen's wishing he could get some. :gig
Fermented feed. There was some in each feeder and there are 3 feeders but if I put the bucket down they eat from it. That goes back to when Lacey and Angus got chased from the feeders at first.
Today is day 3 of jail for Angus. He's been crowing all morning because the girls are in the big yard and he's alone, not even any visitors. He keeps knocking over his water, punk.

I think Lucy is faking the broody bit. She has suddenly discovered that Angus is in jail and now she's out first thing each morning and out again in the afternoon. Still clucky, but up and out with her sisters. We had the Angus supporters, Cuckoo and the 4 red girls plus Lacey, and those that didn't dig him at all, the 3 bigs plus my tween white gal. Now they're all hanging out together as a group and only the 5 non layers separate themselves. I'm hoping after the extras are gone this weekend that Lacey joins in more with the older girls.

There was a pigeon out by the coop and the big girls killed it; all it took was one to get irritated and start the assault and the rest joined in. I gave them mealworms as a treat afterward and told them they're good girls.

I bought 2 more kiddie pools and cut them down, now there are 3 and they're using them all. I still wet down a section of yard daily because they like to lay in the cool dirt.

Hopefully my AC eggs will ship today. This should be a decent time for them to travel with our cooler temps. If I get confirmation today I'll be setting up the incubator so it's ready when they get here.

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