Yay for dux eggs! All my dux hens are molting right now, so no eggs.:(
This is a FIRST for me. Having 2 Drakes and 1 female, double the chances for fertilization. I could have set more but...????? The 3 young adults are a handful already. I enjoy my water fowl in MODERATION! :p
I haven't decided on what Chicken breed to set on the tenth yet. My Chicken population is overloaded right now. Insane numbers.:caf
Unfortunately they used wood chips as buffer not bubble wrap. Not just cracked but smashed. It was double boxed with one end fairly crushed. So trip was hard on them.
Positive note the eggs were very fresh. Small air cells that didn’t appear to be floating.
They are resting now till tomorrow.
"they used wood chips as buffer not bubble wrap."
byc mike drop.gif
I'm speechless.
following :caf

:popI have no eggs in The bator right now but I would love to fallow along anyway!
Join us in the egg decorating contest!
2018 Halloween Hatch-A-Long "EGG DECORATING CONTEST"
I'm working on an ocean for my EE's eggs, and a haunted house for my Glw's!
Well now, I ALWAYS love to paint eggs!!!! :yesss
But I'm not fantastic at it so I'm not expecting to get far :gig
I am looking forward!:wee

I'm so glad I found out about this Contest before it was to late!
I have eggs in the mail, but they won't be here till sometime next week. They are Indian Runner eggs, so I'm thinking that would be to late to enter those into this.

However, we just found a nest of eggs from our sole female Indian Runner we currently have! She was sitting on them last night, but is out running around this morning and I haven't seen her go back to the nest. I think I'm going to go pull the eggs and incubate them. I'm super surprised there is even a nest! No "easter egg" hunting for me!

Has anyone had luck with letting their Indian Runner sit on the eggs?
This is a FIRST for me. Having 2 Drakes and 1 female, double the chances for fertilization. I could have set more but...????? The 3 young adults are a handful already. I enjoy my water fowl in MODERATION! :p
I haven't decided on what Chicken breed to set on the tenth yet. My Chicken population is overloaded right now. Insane numbers.:caf

"they used wood chips as buffer not bubble wrap."
View attachment 1551172 I'm speechless.

View attachment 1551174 View attachment 1551175

Join us in the egg decorating contest!
2018 Halloween Hatch-A-Long "EGG DECORATING CONTEST"


I am looking forward!:wee
Only thing worse is shredded newspaper. What a mess. I will be asking them why
Egg-sighted! Can't wait to see all shared
me too!:jumpy
None of my ducks are laying atm, and that would be the only bird I would be willing to hatch this late in the year. So I will not be joining the hatch along. I will watch you guys though...
:confused: Sorry about the egg dilemma. No worries, the New Years Hatch-A-Long is coming real soon.

I set 3 Pekin eggs yesterday. Maybe I can get some pointers and advice from you, coming up soon during the candling and such.:)
Only thing worse is shredded newspaper. What a mess. I will be asking them why

The best packed ones I’ve ever received were bubble wrapped individually and wedged in pine shavings. And that’s the way I pack mine. Never had any complaints. Maybe they didn’t use enough to stabilize the eggs. :confused:

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