Haha. Seems there are lots of stories of jerk roosters. I've only seen eggs for them once so far and they were waayyy out of my price range for just a couple. Lol. I might have to get my hands on mixes eventually. I just adore their head plumes (probably a proper word, I just don't know it 😀)
I only keep sweetie roosters, and the nicest ones I’ve gotten happen to be mixes. Neither is a year old yet, but they haven’t shown a single sign of aggression, and Blue is almost a year old.


Thank you! Yeah, he is the serious one because he keeps them all in order. Gus is bigger though. He is about 2 feet tall! We’ll have to try hatching some eggs from them this spring!:love
Aw, that's too cute. Gus looks huge! His coloring is gorgeous. Fingers crossed you hatch some as well behaved as your current ones.
Hello everyone! Happy Holidays!

I'm trying to plan ahead of time and figure out my game plan.

So I'm searching early as I plan to acquire probably Feb.-Mar. '22.

I've looked at hatcheries and either they don't have what I want in hatching eggs or after doing research, their company/business ethics aren't that great so I'd love to try with a member or two here at BYC.

I'm in search of hatching eggs for-

*Dominique (which will be my main birds)

*Silver Laced Polish or White Crested Black Polish

I will be starting with a smaller flock so probably interested in 6-8 of the Dominique, and maybe 4 of Silver Laced/White Crested.

Thank you for reading this far and any help would be amazing!
I agree with your concerns regarding the ethics of hatcheries. Also, how can the little ones not suffer trauma from that kind of start on life?

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