June Hatch-A-Long

My husband went down and looked in the incubator (which is only 2/3 full at the moment) and said "Holy Cow! How many chickens are we going to have!?" I told him I was going to try and sell a lot of them....but might have to hold on to them until I can tell who is a pullet and who is a cockerel. I am hoping I can get some sold! No one has seemed interested in my straight run barn yard crosses which I hatched just for the purpose of selling. :barnieSo I guess we will be looking at a lot of roosters to feed out and trying to sell just pullets when they get a little older.

This was my husband yesterday when I pointed out to him that I put more eggs in the incubator. 😂 I'm not sure how well straight run are selling here either, but I might just pick out the ones I like from the two hatches and sell the rest. Otherwise we'll be eating the roos in about 6 months.

ETA: I dropped a dozen barnyard mix in the incubator yesterday, due June 1. Hens are all black or gold sex links, roo appears to be an Asian Black.
This was my husband yesterday when I pointed out to him that I put more eggs in the incubator. 😂 I'm not sure how well straight run are selling here either, but I might just pick out the ones I like from the two hatches and sell the rest. Otherwise we'll be eating the roos in about 6 months.

ETA: I dropped a dozen barnyard mix in the incubator yesterday, due June 1. Hens are all black or gold sex links, roo appears to be an Asian Black.
Here, people want pullets, but are getting used to, pick it and buy it. (Straight run). The eggs you dropped in should be interesting. My silver laced wynadotte over Comets are.
Anybody know what a Lavender Orpington rooster might produce with Black Australorp, Buff Orpington, White Leghorn, Delaware, Speckled Sussex, Partridge Rock, Welsummer, and Easter Egger hens? One of the Easter Eggers is like orange laced with black and one is like a almost lavender base with gold over it. Gold neck, etc. she’s very pretty. :love

Also have cream and gold Brabanter chicks and bantam Birchen Cochin chicks growing up.

Mostly just curious for now.

Jack is still scared of the girls. 😂🤣

Mostly curious about the Sussex and gold EE.
Here, people want pullets, but are getting used to, pick it and buy it. (Straight run). The eggs you dropped in should be interesting. My silver laced wynadotte over Comets are.
They are the same eggs I used for my May hatch, although this time I just picked a random selection of what I already had collected recently - so could be multiples from the same hens. Some day I will do a hatch of just the darker brown eggs or just the lighter ones, just to see what I get.

My May chicks are almost 2 weeks old and I ended up with 4 black, 4 not, out of 8 hatchers; 2 of the nots look like gold sex links, the other two are interesting looking:


I have a broody bantam cochin hen!!!!:wee I am going to move her the maternity ward later tonight and give her some eggs I want her to hatch. My Java has laid a few eggs this week and I really want some of her babies. I'm just hoping the move doesn't upset my girl too much. I've already moved her once and she found another nest of eggs so I figure she will be ok as long as she has eggs.:fl Depending on when I get her moved it should be a first week of June hatch date.
I’m here!
Just picked up 10 eggs this morning. A mix of silkies, polish, Ameraucana and some kind of bantam (they didnt specify).
My cheap Chinese incubator has died after one use, and a 20% hatch rate from that. My new eggs are sitting for the day, I’m going to pick up my new incubator in the morning, hopefully get the temp stable tomorrow, and in they will go. I hope this hatch is a bit better than my last.
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Got the incubator filled up today for a June 3rd hatch! Trying to add some colored layers to our flock. Hatching olive eggers, blue laced red wyandotte, crested cream legbars, salmon favorelles, golden cuckoo marans, black copper marans, white sapphires, and lavender orpingtons. Excited to hatch along with y’all!
Wow that is going to be an awesome looking flock! Good luck with your hatch!

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