My mom is strange LOL

thought of a few more from mom---
If the shoe fits ....
you made your bed now lie it....
raining cats and dogs.....
if he had half a brain he would be dangerous.....
if it was a snake it would have bitten him....
could not find his way out of a paper sack....
mom's favorite is..
cant tell his a$$ from a hole in the ground....

for s**ts and giggles - never understood this one who in thier right mind would do both at the same time?????

Here's some

dumber than a box of hammers
six of one, a half dozen of another....virtually the same
slower than molasses in January...actually refers to a real event, a large molasses spill in New York, I think
about a horse a peice....the same, often refers to distance
she'd go after a bear with a switch
I'm gonna tan yer hide
You ain't just a whistlin dixie
Cool as a cucumber
He aint playin with a full deck
I hate to bust yer bubble
Sure when pigs fly
I'm gonna take you down a notch or two
One more from me...When I was little and would get mad at my mom or dad and would say I was running away, mom always told me...don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.
My family is full of these! Off the top of my head

Sure as sh*t, meaning, it will definitely happen
Does a bear sh*t in the woods? meaning, of course!
She's pussy footin' around, meaning she doesn't want to get noticed
Don't stir the pot! meaning don't make trouble
Cattin' around. meaning, he's cattin' around, usually a man messin' with lots of women.
Gonna scratch her eyes out! self explanatory!
It'll heal before you get married, said to a child when they get a mild hurt.
You coulda knocked me over with a feather!
Whistling women and cackling’ hen, neither fit for garden or men!

that's it for now
I have heard this one and can't make sense of it?

"feels like a goose walked on my grave"

I guess it's suppose to convey an eerie sensation...feeling.

Have you heard this? Any ideas where this came from?

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